Chapter 49 - One Heart to watch over part two

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Sonic just held onto Knuckles as if he was holding on for his life.

He couldn't tell Knuckles that his nightmare was the Nightmarens taking every single person he held dear sucked into oblivion.

But what made him feel a little better was thinking of the day he first met NIGHTS and how he, his siblings, and two friends first encountered NIGHTS separately.


It was a beautiful day in mobius. A younger Sonic with his siblings and his two friends Rika and Grey-Sky were sitting underneath a tree.

Although four out of the five children were bored out of their minds. Sonia was reading a book in peace. Although her focus was cut short due to Manic and Sonics groaning in boredom.

Young Sonic said, "Oh I'm so bored." Young Manic then said, "You and me both little brother." Young Rika said with them, "I'm the duchess of boredom."

Young Grey-Sky laid on the ground and said, "You three ain't the only ones."

Young Sonia looked at her brothers and said, "Sonic. Manic. You two are such babies. I swear for princes of Mobius, you both sure know how to be impatient."

Young Sonic replied to her, "Easy for you to say." Young Manic replied to her as well, "Yeah your not like us. Besides you don't get bored easy."

Young Sonia rolled her eyes and said, "I can't believe you're going to be king one day."

Young Manic stood up and said, "Believe it or not I'm the oldest of this bunch."

Young Sonic stood up and said, "Yeah. Hey maybe we can save the day or something like heroes and no one will know who we really are."

Young Manic chuckled playfully and said, "You crack me up baby brother. But who knows? Maybe we will become heroes one day."

He pat young Sonic on the head. That's when Young Rika pointed to something and said, "Hey guys look."

The group look to see something unusual. It was an Angel like creature walking around. Young Sonic asked, "Wow what is that?"

Young Grey-Sky answered, "I don't know. Maybe we should follow it." The hedgehog brothers agreed as

Young Rika nodded and said, "I agree let's follow it." Young Manic told Sonic, "Oh and Sonic? It's best to run regularity I don't wanna lose sight of you."

Young Sonic took his hand and said, "Okay."The four ran off as Young Sonia yelled, "WAIT!!! YOU CAN'T JUST....!"

She finished her sentence, "...Run off like that." She growled and stood up as she put the book down. She then followed the four kids and muttered frustratingly, "Ooohh. Why couldn't they stand still for one hour or two?" 

8 seconds later Young Boomer and Shawn showed up.

Young Boomer said, "Hey guys. What's up?" Young Manic whispered, "Sshhh. We're following. A strange thing Boomer." Young Shawn looked at the thing flying around and said, "What is that thing?"

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