Chapter 4 - Mark The Tapir Guilty/So Sudden

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Knuckles and the others were still in MehBurger eating. Knuckles noticed Sonics food wasn't eaten.

Knuckles asked, "Where did Sonic go? His food hasn't been touched."

Tails looked at it and said, "I dunno. Maybe he went to the restroom." Sticks said, "I have noticed a tiny bit that hes acting weird since the dreamcaster incident."

Knuckles said with frustration, "Oh now someone noticed." Sticks said with an annoyed tone, "I said a little. Not so much as you."

Knuckles growls in frustration. Sticks then walked off to get a refill.

That's when the news came on. The anchor bird said on tv, "We interrupt this program to bring you this shocking turn of event. Mark The Tapir who appeared to be an obsessed fan is actually a horrible stalker and torturer. The Tapir was arrested today and having an immediate trial today. Turned out he had a more unhealthy obsession with his idol Sonic The Hedgehogs older sister and daughter of Queen Aleena  and King Savior. Sonia The Hedgehog. With me is Sonic The Hedgehog 'who was brutally beating on Mark earlier for attempting to hurt the poor girl again."

Soar then asked, "Sonic I understand how awful it can be, seeing a family member or two getting hurt."

Sonic sniffed and said, "She's my sister. I had to do something. Sure she was lady like and a snob. But she has a heart that I see in a sister. She's my big sister even though me, her, and Manic are triplets. Don't you all know how it feels?"

J.J. stepped up and said, "I know how it feels. If it were my sister I got nuts on him too." Thats when a familiar yet slightly bubbly looking voice said, "I do the same if it were my sister too."

Sonic turned to see a a familiar female rabbit with an orange shirt with blue sleeves, and a bright orange skirt. On her shoulder was a blue chow. Amy watched in shock and said, "Wait is that....?" Sonic finished, "Cream and Cheese?"

The rabbit nodded and said, "You're not the only one Sonic."

Soar then turns to the audience as Sonic and everyone else went inside, "So anyways. Like I said Mark will be having his sentences which we are waiting for. Whether he is guilty or not. Let's just see."

The camera zoomed into the courtroom. The jury just got back from delivering the verdict. Sonic was being comforted by Manic and his mother Aleena. The audience glared at Mark.

A few people from the audience were Sonics childhood friends Rika and Grey-Sky. Shawn who had the front row seat by T.W. Barker 'due to the fact Shawn is Barkers son.' Barker is the prosecutor  again but this time for Sonic and his family said, "Well the finishing touch of Mark the disgusting jerk vs. the Hedgehog family. Your honor please proceed."

The judge asked, "Has the jury reach the verdict?"

Boomer 'who was one of the jury' said with the verdict in hand, "Yes we have your honor. We the jury find Mark The Tapir..."

He takes a deep breath and finished,  "...Guilty of all the crimes he has done."

Mark gasped in shock. The judge then said, "Very well. Mark the Tapir. Your crimes and your unhealthy and inappropriate obsession towards Sonic and Sonia the Hedgehog will not go un-judged. The punishment for your crimes. I hereby sentenced you to life in the institute for the criminally insane in Advance-city. Take him away boys!"

Boom Sonknux: 2 Dimensions 2 Dream Worlds 1 LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora