Chapter 44 - Shawn and Fiona

Start from the beginning

<the next night>

Shawn was at the 'Unnamed village' cemetery where his dead mother was buried since he was almost 5. He held a bouquet of flowers and he stared at the other bouquet of flowers which were brought by Barker about 4 hours ago.

Shawn put down the flowers on her grave as he sat down and hug his knees as he said while facing the grave, "I know Mother. I know I was suppose to be happy that I have friends. I know I'm suppose to forgive Dad for not showing up for your funeral. I just can't. Besides it pains me more to be back here. The only relief I get to know was your death wasn't an accident. I swear Mom. I was promise by Manics little brother that he will make sure that murderer Eggman will suffer for what he done to you and to everyone he had hurt!"

His hands shook in anger as he growled. He stood up before hearing a familiar voice said beside him, "Excuse me.."

Shawn looked to see it was Fiona before he said, "I don't want to be bothered. Especially by you. What do you want traitor?"

Fiona answered, "My name is not 'traitor'. It's Fiona. Okay? I want to know why did you say Eggman caused your suffering. I seen how you are and honestly you are acting so cold to everyone. Why?"

Shawn was in raged as he said while his voice grew loud, "Why?! Why?! Cause I wouldn't be in this future if it wasn't for Eggman and his heartless ways! EVERY SINGLE THING WAS HIS FAULT! HE MURDERER MY MOTHER! I WANT NOTHING MORE BUT TO SEE HIM SUFFER!!"

Fiona was really surprised at what he said. Shawn sat down and Fiona felt bad for him as she asked while she sat down beside him, "How old were you when she was killed? What happened?"

Shawn hesitated before he coldly replied, "I was almost five when that happened. Me and my mother were at a church that we were supposed to open for the village but it collapsed due to Eggmans ray gun. I survived and got out of there on time. My mother didn't stand a chance. She was crushed. I tried to get help but nobody bothered. My mother died while she was under that concrete. For years they thought it was an accident but Manics little brother 'Sonic' showed them it wasn't. I swear to my mother that he will pay for murder!"

He growled as Fiona asked, "And you have been this cold since?"

Shawn sighs and said, "Yes. I've been this way since even after I teamed up with Manic, Boomer, and sometimes his younger twins siblings."

Fiona sighs and said as she placed a hand on her shoulder, "I had a reason to dump Scourge last night. He and I had an argument about how self-centered he is and how great he is without me. I dumped him after I had enough of his arrogance."

Shawn sighed before he said, "Not like he does anything. Besides I'm the son of a circus owner who is also a con-man." Fiona replied immediately, "Whoa. That big of a deal for you?"

Shawn said without looking at her, "You are correct about that. He didn't even come to my Moms funeral and that alone made me lost respect for him. He had a lot of nerve coming back after all these years. I thought he didn't care but instead he never found out about my mother's death."

Fiona let out another sigh before she said, "Guess we both have a dark part of our past. Listen I wanna redeem myself but no betrayal this time. But I highly doubt anyone would wanna see my face after what happened."

Shawn looked at her and said, "Well it's never too late to change your ways again completely. Listen until you're ready,  we'll haft to see each other in secret."

Fiona felt relief before she said, "Thank you very much sir. Believe it or not your the first person around here I talked to in a while." Shawn then replied, "Heh. I wouldn't even talk to anyone much. By the way my name is Shawn. Shawn V. Barker."

Fiona smiled as she took his hand, "Very well Shawn." The two smiled at one another although it was the first time Shawn actually smiled happily.

<flashback ends>

Shawn finished up his story of how Fiona and him got together, "She and I have been seeing each other and got to know each other a little more. The night on New-Years, we confessed and kissed when the new year came. Our friendship turned into love for us both."

Fiona then said, "Turns out I had to find the right man to lead down the path of good and all it took was Shawn to be appearing in my life." Sonic and his older siblings were amazed but slightly surprised to hear their story.

Fiona looked over at her shoulder and said to Sonic, "Uhh Sonic. Hate to be rude but I really don't like how that girl is staring at me."

Sonic turn to see Sticks looking at her suspiciously. Sonic said, "This will take a second Fiona."

He stood up while the four were too busy trying to know what's going on. Though it shocked them when Sonic said, "Seriously guys? Have you been spying on us?!"

Tails with a panicked look on his face said, "W-W-Wait a minute Sonic I-We can explain."

Sonic then turn to Knuckles and whispered to him, "Are you all out of your mind?!" Knuckles whispered back, "I-I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have to be dragged into this."

Sonic whispered, "You know darn well we keep this a secret I mean we coulda spilled our secret by mistake. Sticks would freak out if she knew I'm a prince."

Knuckles whispered to him back, "I know and I also will sabotaged the machine for you."

Sonic in surprise said, "For me? I..." Knuckles blushed and said as he looked away, "Well I..." Shawn stood up, walked to them, and dragged him back to the table and said, "Not when we're busy."

Once back on the table Sonic sighed. Fiona then said in amazement, "I'm amazed that all of you had changed. Though I'm surprised at Knuckles the most."

Sonic replied, "It was a shock for me too. One minute he fights me but the next thing I knew, he stopped and is this."

Fiona then said to him, "I'm a little surprised you remember who he was."

Sonic nodded and said, "Well yeah. I remembered. I sometimes miss the old Knuckles but this current Knuckles isn't so bad. At least he stopped believing Eggman now."

Thats when Barker showed up and said as he sat down, "Sorry about that. The line was taking too long. But our lunch will be here shortly if Dave can speed up the process."

The group at the table laughed as Fiona and Shawn blushed and smiled at each other as they said, "I love you."

Sonics laughter was short lived when he thought with tears in his eyes, "NIGHTS... I cannot let you down at all. I hope one day you will wake up." Though the blue hedgehog was unaware Knuckles was sadly looking at him as he mumbled, "What could be the matter with you Sonic?"

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