Chapter 221 - Chapter 225

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"Knock, knock..."

The box's door was knocked as the waiter entered and smiled, "Lady and Sirs, our Lotus Blossom House is welcoming a VIP today. He has successfully passed the test in painting skills and is using his right according to our old custom. He wishes to come to this box and have a toast here."

"Ah, the Lotus Blossom House has been very lively in the last few days! In just 10 days, four to five people have succeeded in becoming VIPs through the painting test. Who's the person who passed today?" Professor Hu spoke with astonishment.

"Zhu Xiang!" The waiter said with a smile.

Professor Hu's brows pricked and said, "Ah, it turns out to be that arrogant prick. A rampant youth and someone who thinks he's unrivalled in the world. I was originally too lazy to see him. But since it's the custom of your Lotus Blossom House, then let him come!"

Le Baiyi was surprised and asked, "Old Hu, you have such a bad evaluation of him? Who's that kid and what's his background?"

Professor Hu shook his head as he sighed, "Aii, he's indeed a genius in painting and calligraphy. But his family spoils him too much, turning him into a young man without a hint of modesty; people would only be able to see his arrogance and rudeness. You heard about the Shanghai Golden Duck Exhibition two years ago, right? This kid reached the height in a single bound in that art exhibition and numerous people know him ever since."

Le Baiyi suddenly said, "Oh, it turns out to be him! He's indeed a proud little chap. But I know nothing much about calligraphy and painting, though. So it didn't catch my attention."

"I too have heard of him. He's notorious and has ruined a lot of girls' chastity." Mu Wanying said.

"How come you know that?" Professor Hu was stunned.

"At first, I also liked his paintings, I even collected one of his works. But I accidently heard from a friend of mine that he's notorious for ruining the chastity of a lot of girls in Shanghai as well as dumping them afterward. One of whom was even was pregnant and then committed suicide by jumping from a dozen-storied building, claiming two lives. Since his family has quite a few connections, the case was put down. However, since I wanted to find out whether the case was true or not, I asked my friend in Shanghai to investigate it, and it turns out that everything is true."

"What a bastard!" Le Baiyi's face changed as he loudly cursed.

Tang Xiu had no interest in these matters. He silently ate his meal, thinking whether he should go back to Star City immediately after dinner or spend the night in Tianjin City and go back in the morning.

He still had something to do as fast as possible- set up the winery!

Even though he had taught the recipe and its process to Scarblade Qiang, but he couldn't tell whether Scarblade Qiang would be able to produce the delicious fermented wine after the rebuilding of the winery.

And at the moment, along with the increasing need of resources, he would also need more money. If he didn't think of a way to speed up the speed in making money, he would definitely be unable to support his and Gu Yin's cultivation.

Furthermore, he also had to take a trip to Jingmen Island in the near future to see Yan'er's condition. The longer he delayed, the more severe her injuries would be. He already asked everyone he knew of to help him find the Chrono Crystal as well as the Demonic Revival Grass. Although there was only a minute possibility of finding them on Earth, he didn't want to give up even if the chances were very low.

"Excuse me. I'm Bai Yu, the General Manager of this Lotus Blossom House."

The box's door was knocked as a middle-aged woman in a blazer approached the box along with a proud and arrogant looking young man.

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