Chapter 32 - Shadow <3 Sonia

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Sonic: (went down on his knees sobbing) I don't know what I should do now (feeling sad) I don't know where I should go (Manic and Grey-Sky comforting him) I'm still here waiting for you. (Feeling like he waited for NIGHTS to wake up for a long time) I'm lost when you're not around. (Feeling lost before looking at his brother and childhood friend which gave him strength.) I need to hold on to you! (Holds on to his memories and dreams) I just can't let you go! (Stands up as they stand at the edge of a cliff!)

Sonic, Manic, and Grey-Sky: (the three sang as they stand) Yeah!! Yeah!! In a perfect world... This could never happen. In a perfect world... You'd still be here. And it makes no sense. I could just pick up the pieces.. But to you. This means nothing. Nothing at all... You feel nothing, nothing at all (glares at the horizon, knowing Reala and Jackal are still out there with no feelings or mercy at all) Nothing at all!!!

Song ends:

The singing ended as Sonic felt his strength coming back.

His ideya of hope shined as he smiled at Manic and Grey-Sky as he said, "Thanks guys. When my hope goes down, you always make it shine." Manic pat his back and said, "No prob bro."

Thats when it gets cut short by a familiar voice, "So. Fighting another battle without anyone knowing? Hmph! I can say that's cowardly not to let your team know."

The three turned to see Shadow The Hedgehog. Grey-Sky growled and said, "Don't you have someone else to bother? This ain't a good time."

Shadow scoffed and said, "You think I'll listen to a wolf like you? I was confirming Sonics little meltdowns were actually a sign that he let a certain 'woman' fall into a deep slumber."

Manic said angrily to Shadow, "Hey dude knock it off! You're making Sonic feel bad!"

Shadow replied, "Like I feel bad for him? Hmph! He's a disgrace just like you." Manic got offended about what he said about him and Sonic being disgraces as he shouted, "EXCUSE ME!?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO MAN!?!"

Before Shadow could reply, Sonic punched him in the face.

Things turned into a fight real fast between Sonic and Shadow. Shadow bumps Sonic his feet but Sonic gets back up.

They thrashed, hit, punch, and kick each other while spin dashing each other. Though for once Sonic was winning.

Shadow teleported behind Sonic but the cobalt  hedgehog punched him at the side of his face as Sonics blue ideya glowed.

Sonic muttered to himself, "Guess I'm a bit smart. But beside that."

Sonic sped and stopped right in front of Shadow and said, "Your gonna regret what you said."

But before Sonic could lay a punch Sonia appeared in front of him and shouted, "SSSTTTOOOPPP!!!" Sonic, Grey-Sky, and Manic had shocked expressions on their faces as Shadow said amazed but a little cold, "Thanks."

Sonia helped him up as Manic asked, "What the heck is going on Sis?!"

Sonic said, "Yeah Sonia. What the heck is going on?! Have you lost your mind?"

Sonia looked at Shadow as Shadow himself said, "Guess they don't know."

Sonia sighed and said to her brothers and Grey-Sky, "Guys? I've been seeing Shadow for weeks. We fell in love way after that incident where the storm hit."

Sonic and Manics jaws dropped as Grey-Sky shouted in shock, "WHAT?!"

Shadow huffed and said, "Don't act so surprised. Ya think I wouldn't know what you been up to Sonic? Your nightmaren slaying really is weak to me. But I'm a little impressed that you stood her ground for her."

Sonic asked, "How did you know that?" Grey-Sky said, "Don't look at me. I didn't tell him."

Shadow explained as he wrapped Sonia in his arms, "I've been watching you since the fifth week. We maybe enemies but I don't do any harm on Sonia. I'm the reason why she came outside again."

Sonia said as she held him close, "It's true. I ran into him, thinking he was a stalker. But after looking to know its him I felt something for him. I felt safe with Shadow when he's around."

Sonic facepalmed. Before Sonic was going to say anything Shadow said to him, "Don't bother scolding me about how I was goin to tell your secret to your group. I'm not interested in it. Besides your sister and I thought we make a little truce."

Sonic didn't want anything to do with him but one look of his sister changed everything. That's when he said, "Okay. fine but it's for my sister."

Shadow smirked and said, "Glad you agree. Now if you excuse us. We gotta get back to the inn." The two walked off as Sonic and Manic still stood there in shock.

Grey-Sky asked, "Should we be worried?" Sonic replied with a dull look, "No Grey. They're going to find out anyway."

Manic replied as well, "I agree with Sonic. I can't believe my little sister..." Sonic finished his sentence, "...Is now dating Shadow The Hedgehog."

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