

"How are you?"

It's a bit grandiose for people who had met three days ago.



Evangeline is still a fox.

You smile at me as if nothing has happened.

Of course, you don't disappoint me.

"I haven't been doing well."


Of course, I don't know if it looks like I'm amused or not, but for the first time, I do my best to pull the corner of my mouth downward as I hold onto my teacup.

"Lady Evangeline looks like you're doing well."

I smile bitterly as I sip the tea with my parched lips.

"Well, I'm glad."

Because of the bitterness in my voice, I can feel Charles's eyes on my face for a moment before he looks away.

His face now must be filled with curiosity like the day when I first caught Catherine.

"By the way, I didn't know that we would meet in a place like this. What brings you here? I'm sure that I told you to keep a low profile."

"Oh, I was just at home. It's true! But Marquis Perret asked me to leave for a bit, so we went out together, but I was just about to go back! It's the truth!"

Seeing Evangeline's sincere expression as she shakes her head, I concede to her with a nod.

"That's good. I was worried that you'd be feeling depressed."

"I was wrong. Your—No, Sister."

As soon as I mention that I was worried, Evangeline immediately offers an apology.

What's this?

I lean back.

Despite my harsh gaze, Evangeline, who's bowing her head, continues her clumsy performance.

"I was so stupid. Of course, the apology I'm making now doesn't feel sincere. It doesn't, right?"

Yeah, you know that, too.

As I acknowledge Evangeline's words with my eyes, she continues, pretending not to know.

"It's not that I don't understand either, but what else can I do? We are a family."


Evangeline's clumsy acting, which I barely pay attention to, almost causes me to laugh, so I bite down my lip.

She's a funny person.

"Are we a family?"

"Of course! You're going to be my older sister now?! Right, Sister?"


I'm at a loss for words at her blatant remark.

Wow— Shamelessness really seems to run in this family.

It's been awhile since someone acts so brazenly like Charles, so I stare at her with my brows pucker together.

However, Evangeline once again pretends not to know and turns away from my gaze.

"I'm still young so there are so many things I lack. Please teach me with that in mind, Sister. Oh, isn't that a good idea?"

Evangeline turns back to me and claps her hands. I almost want to ask, 'What kind of bullshit is this?'


I look at her closely, wondering what I could teach her while keeping her close.

"I was going back to the Diago's mansion so that I can tell you..."

"Oh, I don't think so."

I shake my head at Evangeline's fox act, who has secretly started her comeback.

"His Excellency says no."

"That's because if Sister—"

"I don't like it either."


"If you were me, do you think you would want to live with your husband's sister who hates you?"

No matter how shameless she is, she couldn't say "Yes!" here, so Evangeline, who's been keeping her mouth shut, sighs and glances around.

Our conversation, thus far, has been superficial with a smile here and there. When she realizes people haven't been paying attention, she looks relieved.

"But Sister, that's where I was born and has grown up all my life—"

"You were born in Lapel, but you mostly lived at Codmo Mansion."

Charles, who has been listening this whole time, puts down his teacup and corrects her words.

At the sound of Charles' voice, I shift my gaze away from Evangeline for a moment and tilt my head slightly.

"Is that so?"

"Still, it's the house of my heart—"

"Evangeline, the house of your heart should be left as the house of your heart. You don't have to come and live in it, do you?"

"No, you're going to the estate in a few days anyway— No, you're going."

In an instant, she bites down on her molars tightly, as if holding back the emotions that are about to spring out because of her own nature, and forces a smile.

With such a smile.

"I'll be there in a few days. Since I have Hortman now, I'll be back often."


"And I really hate seeing other people in my space acting like they're the owner."





T/N: Charles be like...

Let me just mind my business and speak when Abella needs me to

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Let me just mind my business and speak when Abella needs me to.. lol

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