Chapter 19 - Knuckles realized his love for Sonic part 1/2

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That kinda made Amy, Tails, and Sticks confused cause they didn't know what just happened.

Sonic shouted as Knuckles was running with Sonic is his arms, "Knux! Put me down! I said I'm fine!" Knuckles replied, "No way. Not in that condition!" A few minutes later when they arrived, Sonic was immediately taken to be treated. Knuckles waited for the results and was extremely worried about his blue best friend.

When the doctor came back out he said, "You managed to get him here in time. Though he did suffer a nasty blow to the head."

Knuckles asked, "Can I go see him?" The doctor nodded before Knuckles rushed in to the clinic. He stopped at the door way and sees Sonic covered in bandages where his scratch marks are, the snake bites, and where his blow to the head was.

Sonic sighs and said as he look down in sorrow, "Guess I won't be speeding for a while."

Knuckles looked down before he walked to him and said, "Hey look it's just for a few weeks. Then you will be back on your feet again. I just hope the sound doesn't return."

Sonic said without looking at him, "Yeah..." Knuckles pets his back and said as the red echidna sits beside his bed side, "Hey don't look so down dude. I'll tell you what. I'll stay here until you get better. How's that sound?"

Sonic looked at him and said as he started to get really tired, "Just go easy on me when I get bored. okay?"

He yawned and stretched a bit painfully considering he's covered in scratch marks. When Sonic fell asleep on Knuckles lap by mistake, Knuckles heart began to beat. Sonic muttered in his sleep, "So warm..."

Knuckles blushed before he thought in a questioning, "Wait... Why am I blushing? In fact... Why's my heart pounding like this?" Looking at Sonics sleeping form just melted his heart as he smiled. With one hand petting the sleeping hedgehogs head he thought, "He's actually really cute when he's sleeping like that."

Knuckles blushed more at what he just said before he looked at Sonic with worry but strangely curious. He thought as his heart starts to beat fast, "Why am I looking at him like that? This strange feeling... What in the world is it?"

<flashback ends>

Knuckles finished his story, "It was the day I started falling for him without even realizing it. I stood by Sonics side until he got better. The noise he made stopped but that strange feeling still didn't go away. Every time I did something bad to him it makes me feel bad. I felt even more bad during the whole 'just a guy' incident."

JJ said in a cold tone, "Me, Denise, and Dad try to forget about it. Sonics parents were not too pleased about the town blaming their youngest son over a stupid comment and telling lies about Sonic really provoked them both. Our Dad would be mad too if we were in Sonics shoes."

Mike replied, "Correct son." Knuckles sighs and said, "Well I remember when he ran off after putting his mother in the clinic when she got pushed by an angry Lady Walrus. I ran after him to apologize, quit the sensitivity groups, that's when It happened again and my heart kept beating even more fast."


After finding Sonic at the edge of the jungle entrance, Sonic noticed him and took one look at him with his sparkling emerald eyes, without turning to him.

Knuckles blushed and thought as his heart started to beat even more fast, "Why in the world is this happening to me?" Sonic asked as he turn to him, "What? Did ya quit the sensitivity training group?"

Knuckles looked away with his eyes, while rubbing the back of his head with his left hand, and said as he blushed, "Uhh yah. It wasn't working out."

Sonic raised a brow as Knuckles walks to him and said, "I Uhh-wanna apologize for what happened the other day. Ya know what I mean?"

Sonic understood he was trying to apologize for not standing up for him when he said "just a guy" to Mike and all of it turned to a disaster.

Sonic replied, "Ehh I can't stay mad at ya big guy. I know you all too well." Sonic gave him a pat on the shoulder as Knuckles looks away while blushing a bright red.

The red echidna sweated as his heart beat wildly. Sonic immediately noticed it before he asked, "Are you feeling okay Knux? You look a bit red. No pun intended. Maybe I should get you to a doc-."

Knuckles interrupted instantly, "Oh no. No. No. I-I-I'm fine I-I just uhh.. hehehe. Phew... Is it hot out here?"

Knuckles palms began to sweat before he fainted by one look at Sonics blue fur glistening in the sun.

<flashback ends>

Knuckles finished his story, "After that I woke up in Sonics shack. Turned out he carried me all the way up to his shack and placed a wet rag on my forehead after placing me on the hammock. I'll give him a bit of credit. He's actually stronger than he looks."

JJ said in a teasing tone, "I think someone fainted, due to Sonics irresistible beauty." JJ chuckled as he looked Knuckles 'who had a dull look on his face' and said, "...It's not funny."

Denise and Mike looked at each other before Mike asked, "I wonder if we're getting to where he fell in love with Sonic?"

Denise replied, "Wondering the same thing Dad." JJ asked, "This maybe unrelated but what kind of snake was it that bit Sonic?"

Knuckles shrugged and said, "I dunno. I never saw a snake like that before. But something about that snake wasn't right."

Boom Sonknux: 2 Dimensions 2 Dream Worlds 1 Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن