Chapter 4 - Mark The Tapir Guilty/So Sudden

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The cops grabbed one arm each as Mark screamed and begged while being dragged out.

Soar then said to the audience just after Mark was dragged out of the courtroom and into the mental asylum ambulance, "Well I don't feel sorry for him one bit. But at least some justice was carried out. Although I feel sorry for Sonic and Sonia. I'll never understand why a young girl would be tortured by a monster and do this to someone he idolized. Though their older brother and parents are relieved as much as I am that he's gone."

Tails and Amy were shocked to hear it as Sticks walked to them and asked, "What did I miss?" Tails turns around and said, "Knuckles? Did you...?"

He sees where Knuckles was sitting but to learn he's gone." Dave the intern walked passed him a said, "If you're looking for that oaf... He left in a hurry for a good reason. ...For once."

<City Hall>

Sonic was standing alone. He thought about a time when he was young. He, Grey-Sky, Rika, and his siblings were in the night dimension.

Standing at the alter of the ideya as the sparks fly in the sky which were done by Witnessa the pure white ideya guardian 'who was looking forward to doing a spark dance'.

He even saw NIGHTS next to Wizelight and Ruthia the Red ideya guardian. NIGHTS smiled and looked at him.

He snapped back into reality as he muttered in tears, "Why did our reunion haft to end up like this?" Thats when he felt a hand on his shoulder and a familiar voice said simply as Sonic gasped and turned around, "Sonic..?"

Sonic looked to see Knuckles with a worried expression.

The red echidna then said, "I saw the news. I was really worried about you. I rushed over here to see if you were alright."

Sonic looked at him with the tears still falling down carelessly. Sonic then said, "It's nothing..." Knuckles was frustrated on the inside although he couldn't show it.

The red echidna took a deep breath and said, "Sonic I saw you crying on tv. You were scared to death and it made me scared... Scared for you."

Sonic was stunned to hear Knuckles said he was scared for him. Knuckles looks at him and said, "Sonic. I maybe dumb but I do care about you deep down. More than Amy ever could. So please tell me what's wrong. I'm worried about you Sonic. So please."

Sonic was hesitant to tell him. He never knew Knuckles would care that much about him. Before he could reply Shawn grabbed the blue hedgehog by the hand and said rudely, "Hate to cut your conversation short with Mr. Dummy head over here but we gotta get going. We need to talk."

Without any time to waste, Shawn dragged Sonic away from Knuckles.

Sonic asked as they were walking, "Did you haft to drag me?"

Shawn replied without looking, "I'm only surprised he was the only one who showed up to check on you. But never mind him. We gotta have a talk with you. Your... 'depression' is getting out of control. I mean after that stunt you pulled? What the heck?" When they arrived Sonic sees Manic, Boomer, and Grey-Sky. Aleena and Savior were walking away from them before Savior looked at him and said in concern, "Son..."

Aleena then said, "Sonic. I don't know what happened. But thank goodness you were able to reach your sister on time. Things will be alright my child." Sonic nods and said with a sigh, "I hope so. Thanks for helping us Mom & Dad."

Savior nodded and said, "Sonic. You are our child too. It was one of the things we can do. Manic even threatened that tapir to get him to stay away from you and your sister. We only want to make sure that monster didn't hurt you or anyone in the family anymore."

Aleena then said as they walked off, "Take care Sonic." Sonic waved to them and said, "I'll try." Thats when Grey-Sky looked at them and said, "Hey Sonic? I apologize for... this sudden meet up but..."

Manic then finished the sentence, "...We have been thinking over the past 5 weeks and we thought it be best if you came back to live with us." Sonic asked, "Are you sure about this? I..." Boomer then said, "Sonic we know your still battling buttface yokbrain. But your sadness towards what happened is really causing suspicion. Nobody but one already got suspicious on your off behavior."

Sonic looked back to where Knuckles is but he said as he looked back at the group, "I really wanna tell him but... I'm afraid of loosing the other four too. I don't wish that same fate from that night on anyone else. I'll end up alone if anyone falls asleep and never woke up. Just like...

Manic walked closer and said as he placed a hand on his shoulder, "Don't be so hard on yourself. It wasn't your fault. Your doing what you can to protect her world from nightmare. Listen it's best if you move back in with us Sonic. Besides the inn is nearby the lake. We're only lucky Mom and Dad own the inn."

Sonic said sadly, "Yeah..." Manic sighs and said, "By the way Sonic. Wizelight told me to tell you that he needs to talk to both of us the night after you move back in with us. I know you don't want to but it's for the best."

Sonic hesitates before he looked at his brother and said, "Oh alright. You guys got involved anyway and you all besides me were the only ones who went to the night dimension. I always knew my loyalties lie with you. I will do what I can to protect her world even if it means becoming a nightmaren myself."

Thats when something glowed in Sonics hands. Something orange. Shawn gasped as Boomer said, "Sonic look at your hands!"

The blue hedgehog looked before he gasped as he realized what it is. Sonic then said, "It's an ideya."

Manic replied to it while looking at it, "But it's orange. I don't understand. I thought there were only five ideya."

Sonic then said as he looked at his brother, "I thought so too. Is this new?" Shawn replied, "I don't know. But this might be something Wizelight wants to talk to you two about.

Sonic The Hedgehog you must move back in with us tomorrow." Sonic nods before he said, "I'm afraid for her." Manic said, "I know little bro. But don't forget your not alone on this. But are you sure you can handle this yourself? There's going to be a time where you will need us."

Sonic replied, "I'm sure." Though Sonic had questions in his heart not just the mysterious orange ideya but how the other Sonic was able to get into the world with the female Wizelight.

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