Chapter 38

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Edward came running over because Theo and Augie had borrowed his car last night. Convenient for me to be driven in such a nice purring vehicle and not be forced to tolerate the roaring of the truck. A beautiful vehicle it may be but loud noises ring in my head to the point of insanity.

The moment i slid in i scrunched up my nose. Edward had the same expression of confusion and disgust. "What did they do last night?" I asked.

Edward sighed, "it smells like they went out to swim."

"After dinner?"

"It also smells like alcohol. Maybe they got drunk." Edward said and started the car, "last time they're borrowing my car."

I hummed, "then how do we get to La Push?"

Edward grumbled and got on the road. He drove slowly, which i know he hates, just so he can talk to me a bit. It felt mean of me to want to try to fall asleep on him so i could avoid a conversation with him. Not because i don't want to talk to him, i felt his absence over the weeks too, but its because i feel like i might let something slip if he manages to get me talking. 

"It feels like we haven't really seen much of each for a while."

I looked around at the nearly empty streets trying to find something to pay attention to outside so i wouldn't have to look at Edward. There's not much to see in Forks. After living here a few months it felt like I've seen everything, "with everything that's going on it's sort of difficult."

He smiled, "so you're not just avoiding being alone with me?"

I laughed, "that too."

"Are you happier?" He asked. I was confused for a moment, not sure how to respond to that, "you've seemed more at ease since they came back."

I couldn't help but grin at him, "I'm much happier. When they're here it feels like i can breathe."

"I'm glad then."

I nudged him, "and it lets me ease up on the manipulation tactics."

He chuckled, "yes, i have noticed that. Although, i wouldn't mind if it meant you would call me by my name more often."

We let silence kind of envelope us for a bit. It's those moment, i realize that I understand what Bella is talking about. Being with Edward sometimes felt like it was only me and him in the world and nothing could penetrate it. The problems could wait. People could wait. None of it mattered. It was peaceful.

"Hmm, just because you said you liked it... maybe i should stop."

He tried hiding his smile but he failed, "so cruel." He slowed the car further until it was at a crawl, "I've been wanting to ask you about yourself but I've been hesitant to ask."

"You know me enough."

He furrowed his brows, "no, i don't know if i do. Which parts of you are Bella and which parts of you were pretending to be Bella. Carlisle had the thought that maybe Bella is the dominant personality—"

"Is that what he thinks?"

"It's just strange. We've never met cases like you or people like Simon and Augustus. He's trying to figure it out. He's really curious."

"I see... then what do you want to know?"

Edward hummed thinking about it for a quick second, "your favorite color."

I frowned at him, "I liked green when i was younger, black when i reached middle school, orange for a short while, pink makes me happy and i really like the way a bold red stands out."

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