Chapter 53

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There isn't much to do anymore. I asked the Lodge if i could work there as a dishwasher or something for a total of two months, just because i needed the money. They agreed. I notified Mrs. Newton that I'll be leaving at the end of November so she should be looking for someone else around then. She appreciated the heads up. She had already had to replace Mike's position to some younger boy when he left to college. 

In the meantime there was another birthday coming up. Alice wanted another party. This time, the entire Cullen family questioned Alice's consideration at a party in this point in time. I told her i didn't mind. She could do what she wanted which is probably precisely why she's doing it. 

Bella would officially be turning nineteen. I'll be spending the morning with dad and the Blacks and Clearwaters and later be picked up by Edward and celebrate with the Cullens at night. I found the camera and album Renee and Charlie gifted Bella on her last birthday. There were some photos inside of Bella's human friends but I realized I had none of mine. I missed the chance to take them. It felt like they didn't exist.

Except for the ring, the grave, the jacket and the left behind crossbow there was no other proof of their existence. They were just gone.

I had notified Charlie about my decision of winter semester which meant that I wouldn't be here for Christmas. He wasn't happy but he wasn't upset either. There was a lot of that on everyone's expression recently. I didn't know how to get rid of their concern.

Tuition we agreed to use some of his savings and with the help of Edward I applied for scholarships and financial aid even thought he offered to help. I had to agree with Bella for once... just because you have a rich boyfriend doesn't make it okay to use his money... i was even less untitled to his money than she was. He wasn't even my rich boyfriend. 

I also asked him if there were any jobs I could find in Alaska that I could do. I wanted to keep the tuition money for school only and any other expenses I wanted to cover on my own. He said he'll look into it. Even thought he really fought his case about how buying food for one human wouldn't dent their financial savings in the slightest.

I won with one comment, 'I already feel like a burden for everything I put you and your family through. I want to at least support myself if I'll be living in your house.'

Alice came over the day before the party to drop off a dress she wanted me to wear. I agreed to the soft blue dress that dragged on the floor.

"I realize you don't really like short dresses..." she said.

"I don't hate them." 

"I also got these high heels."

"I don't like heels."

She pouted, "but you'll wear them anyways."

"I think your family has spoiled you too much," i said. "You think you could get away with everything only cuz you could see the future."

She rolled her eyes, "I'm the spoiled one? You don't see me dragging around everyone on a leash and expecting things to go my way."

"Yeah, you only drag me."


"And Edward."

"Exactly," she grinned, "I'll come by to do your hair. Do you want it up?"

"Yes please... the less I look like Bella the better."

"Another impossible request... Edward asked me to not irritate you."


She laughed, "right, you're so prickly... how am I suppose to know what would upset you if what upsets you changes at the drop of a dime?"

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