Chapter 42

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Next morning approached and I had no sleep to show for the night that has passed. I was pleased at the sleeping Simon next to me. Saddened at the lost of color in his cheeks and enamored by his little attempt in being gentle.

He knew i didn't like it after all. Being treated like glass. I think most girls find it chivalrous when men treat them nicely that first night... i can't stand it. The kindness of it all felt disgusting to me. That was probably a personal problem of mine but Simon could read me like a book. 

I grunted and groaned trying to get out of bed. Able to feel where his hands held down too fiercely or much to my surprise the ache and sting of where he couldn't help it and dug his teeth into.

I sat up feeling the cold air nip at my nakedness. My legs had no strength in them and my arms felt like noodle. My body felt like lead. I looked back at him. Perfect and sleeping with red still tinging on his lips.

Not venomous like the others. I'm always so curious of what type of vampire that made him but I forget to ask and it didn't seem important enough to bother. 

Lucky for him he could sleep in. Unfortunately for me, i had school.

I get up forcing myself up to my feet, pain shooting up all around my body that i collapsed back onto the floor. I stifled a yelp and took shuddering gasps of breath. I was nauseous and dizzy and  just wanted to roll into a ball and sleep some more. 

I licked my lips tasting the iron of blood on them. I looked towards the mirror. I force myself back onto my feet and slowly got there.

I laughed when i saw the disaster i was in the reflection. I don't know why i imagined Kristen Steward and her hardly visible bruising and the absolute dread on Roberts face but this wasn't anything like that. The bruises running down my arms and wrists were clear hand prints. Red with hints of purple. There were more at my waist, my legs my breast and even more concerning than that the part where he bit my neck, inner thigh, right breast and shoulder. There was blood caked on skin that was splattered across my body in the areas he kissed which included my lips. I looked like a crime victim and the pain. Oh the pain.

I inhaled deeply. My lungs expanding and even that little thing caused every nerve in my body to scream at me. 

I keep staring at myself. I wasn't quite sure how to feel about the image before me but i knew what i felt the night before. For that night alone, I felt the most loved than i ever had before.

An unconditional love.

I dug through my closet unsure of what to do now. I needed long sleeves but i didn't own any turtle necks to cover the wound on my neck and that might pose a problem. A shower, i thought. That's what i need right now. To wash away the blood and sweat.

I dug around dad closet where i didn't find a turtle neck shirt but i did find this cute high collared rib cuff long sleeve knitted sweater. "Stolen," i muttered to myself grabbing at the thing and tossing it onto the bed with the tank top, skirt and leggings i was planning on wearing but was having trouble to decide if i wanted to wear my yellow boots or my ugly cat flats. 

"They'll be puddles." Simon grumbled from the bed. I turned to look at him but he was buried under the covers.

"Do you need me to close the curtains?"

"Please," he said.

"Will you die if i don't?" I asked making my way to close them but my curtains were thin and didn't block much.

"No, but it feels uncomfortable. Are you leaving me now?"

I sat on the bed and pulled the covers down so i can see his face. I couldn't stop the stupid grin on my face, "shouldn't you be sleeping?"

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