Chapter 63

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I ate some pretzels while watching the shit show i caused. Under a better circumstance I would be joking with Edward right now. 'Is it wrong', i would start 'that I'm a little attracted to you when you're angry at something I did.'

Maybe he'd laugh, most likely he'll groan or roll his eyes exasperated at my desire for him to hate me sometimes. He wouldn't get mad often. He forgives me for everything. I didn't like to admit to him that he and his family had spoiled me rotten. They love me, protect me, keep me in a safety net where I didn't have to think about anything but Edward for two years. 

It was scary, really. My nerves were freaking out right under my skin. My hands twitched and my body trembled at the fury that radiated through  Edward as he spoke over the phone through gritted teeth. 

He tossed clothes on the bed. He wanted me to get changed. I would normally throw them back if he wasn't so pissed. 

The petty part of me wanted to shove my finger in his face and scream at him. Awful things. Cruel things... but the part of me that spent so long with him, under his gentle care wouldn't allow that. Because the shock and hurt were my fault. I had the choice of telling him and I didn't. 

I made a call too. I called Rosalie. She answered and I told her the news and asked her for her support. She agreed of course. She helped Bella and didn't even like her. Rosalie liked me. 

I hummed as I changed out of one dress and into another. Slowly putting on a light cardigan and boots and tossing my dirty clothes into my suitcase from a distance to make sure I stayed out of Edward's path. I sat on the couch as I waited. A song barely whispered out of my lips. My hands felt comfortable rested on my stomach that barley had the slightest of bumps, hardly visibly. But i know it would be there. 


There was a wary tone in his voice. One that held no care in it. Beyond pissed then. I didn't bother looking up and continued whispering the song to the little person that I didn't know if she could listen yet or not. 

"Isabella." He repeated. Sterner.

I looked up from behind my wet lashes. He crossed the room in a flash and tilted my head further up so he can look at me better.

"Are you in pain?"


"We'll be home in sixteen hours. You'll be fine—"

"Don't. Edward, before you say something stupid. We're going to talk. Yes, we will see Carlisle. Yes, we will go home. We'll leave that there until then," i sighed and looked at our hands. Resting comfortably intertwined. In his worry, he took my hand and his anger was totally warded off for a bit.

"I trust you," he said. "You know I do... but, this, Iz."

I reached to brush his hair back. I cupped his face and pulled him closer to kiss him. A long desperate kiss. "I only want you to be happy," i told him.

He was going to say something but his head turned towards the door sharply. He stood and I got up with him once again mumbling a song I half knew.

"Dammit, I forgot Gustavo was returning today... "

"Weren't they just here yesterday?"

"Yes, they said they would return since you looked unwell. I'll get rid of him and be right back." He left and I didn't make to follow. I had to make him understand without sounding like an asshole. I wasn't coming up with anything brilliant yet. I can plead with him until he eventually gives in, like he does for Bella but I couldn't bring myself to beg Edward for anything else other than time and patience.

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