Chapter 32

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Theo was sitting on the front steps when i rounded up the drive way. In my excitement i skidded the bike early and half tumbled half waddled off the bike to run towards him. He jumped up just as excited and quickly enveloped me in his large fluffy black coat. He smelled of spearmint and rubbing alcohol.

He pulled away to get a good look at me, "God I miss you," he muttered. "I'm so fucking mad at you."

"I'm sorry."

"You left without a warning."

"Totally out of my control."

He laughed awkwardly, "so?"

We went in to have some tea and i told him what i told Simon last night. No home. I didn't realized that thats what everyone thought happened. I didn't know how they all had the same conclusion when i had no idea of anything that was going on. 

"Oliver explained it to us when we met him." Theo said blowing on his tea, "since he has the most experience in reincarnation he understood our disorientation of living a new life. It was harder on Grace than the rest of us because she was born first she had to come to terms and figure things out on her own. Then when I was born and she would share stories of this magical kingdom it made me realize she was talking about our home. So she helped me get accustomed to this new life. We moved around a lot and when we moved to Forks that's when Oliver found us." Theo paused and blushed, "Oliver was always a little strange but we didn't think much on it. Not until we all enrolled in Forks High and Oliver reacted to the Cullens much in the same way Grace and I had when we first saw them."

"So that's when you realized Oliver was also like you." I concluded. Theo gave me a curt nod.

"It wasn't long after that Oliver brought Simon and Augustus to us. Oliver had this thing that he called the magical energy of the land. It's complete nonsense but Oliver said he felt a disruption and followed it and found them. After that they stayed here."

I frowned, "so... you guys actually haven't known each other that long when I came around."

"Nope. We've been with Oliver for about four ish years and one year with the Hawke brothers... Oliver was really interested in them."

I took a sip of the tea burning my tongue a bit. Theo laughed and poured some milk in to cool it down and we lapsed into a silence. Theo looked taller than I remembered him. Muscles more defined under his button up shirt.  His face still as lovely and delicate as before though. I'm glad not that much changed. It made it feel as if time hadn't passed at all. The silence allowed me to think of the last time i saw him. He had dropped me off at home and promised to come over to eat dinner with Charlie and I soon. Charlie, after the death of Grace, Oliver and Nana Josephine, welcomed Theo whenever he wanted to come by.

"Has Oliver ever told you the methods of world jumping?" Theo asked.

I shook my head but i think i have a rough idea of what he means of methods. Theo looked around the room taking in the dingy wallpaper and small dining area. He took a deep breath with a smile. Absorbing the ambience.

"Oliver world hops but only after his life force ends. So it's reincarnation but also a form of dimension hopping. So no two worlds he is born into ever overlaps. He says the reincarnation is something he was probably blessed with or cursed with after his chosen method of leaving his first world."

"Suicide as a Saint."

"Yeah..." he said as if the thought was painful.

"Blasphemous," I agreed.

"He said that Grace and I are the first people he has ever met that has also been reincarnated but unlike his constant travel. He believes ours is more of a divine intervention."

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