Chapter 49

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I woke up early the next morning. Simon now cold again to counter the warmth of the sun that was now shining through the tent. He of course not budging from his sleep. I stumbled up and out of the tent. I leaned back in to grab my T shirt and pants before walking a big farther. My bare feet freezing against the snow even while my body was being warmed by the sun. 

A whimper from beside me caught my attention. I turned to face Seth in his wolf body. "Good morning, you're going to help us today aren't you."

He barked a confirmation and looked away. I tilted my head a bit, "oh, you didn't see just now did you?"

He whimpered, embarrassed.

"... sorry. Didn't remember that you'll be here." He crawled a bit forward and carefully licked my hand but because of his abnormal size he might as well have licked my entire arm. "What is it?... oh, are you asking about the bites? I'm fine, Seth. They're old injuries. Hickeys. Are you too young to know what hickeys are?"

He growled annoyed. I laughed, "I'm teasing! You're so cute. I'm glad to have you here. Let me know when the battle starts, okay?"

I walked around for a bit more before i considered calling Edward. Just to let him know that the night went fine. More than fine. I didn't feel the cold with the Simon, the heater next to me. I shuttered. The slight cold now sinking into my skin now. Seth brushed up against me. I didn't know what he wanted to say. I didn't know what he was thinking.

"You wouldn't happen to be willing to change into a human so i can hold a proper conversation with you?"

There was a rumble in his chest and he looked back into the tent where Simon still hadn't gotten out of. That's a no then. I brushed my hand over his head. Flinching when nose would touch my skin but otherwise fine. 

I waddled back into the tent to warm my feet and finally put on socks and shoes. I kicked Simon but he hardly moved. I'll have Seth come in and drag him out if I'd have to... i just need reassurance. I'm nervous, jumpy, anxious of the events of the day. How will things work out. I'd say they'd potentially kill the newborns faster, now that Edward joined the fight. That forces the others to have to finish just as fast, if not faster. Not that it'll be completely easy. Newborns are stronger in every way but the Volturi are experienced. We might not finish on time. I'd have to stall if we need more time.

I look at Seth. How could I use him? Can I use him? Should i use him?

Seth whimpered. No. I'm sure he'd agree to help if it got him into the action but the moment he moves the entire pack knows and once the pack knows, Edward knows. 

"Edward always gets in the way." I muttered. "Did you know he can't go one day, one day without skulking about in another persons mind? How annoying is that?"

Seth gave me a bark. "that's right. Very annoying," i said.

It was few minutes now until the battle, spent sitting on the snow with Seth. Talking to myself about the things i wanted to do. About things I had planned to do. Seth wasn't on board about the mortician assistant job anymore that Charlie and Edward were.

Seth suddenly howled. I perked up and got to my feet. "Seth, drag him out. He needs to start doing his job."

Seth trotted over to the tent. He ripped the tent to shreds before getting to Simon. I heard the moment Seth licked his chops, growling before he gave a loud bark. Simon's eyes peeked up at the young wolf. 

"You'll have to pay for the tent." Simon muttered and rose from the ground in the way i wanted to do from his coffin. Practically levitating up onto his feet.

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