Chapter 33

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Charlie was pleased to have Theo with us. Even more so when he noticed how excited i was to see him again. There was short conversation about how things were going and i was surprised that Charlie didn't question when Theo lied about homeschooling which he decided to take a short break from. 

They had a heart to heart about the hardships Theo faced in his new lifestyle and the change within his parents. Charlie, ever the dad with a heart of gold, played his part well. Listening and offering some advice that Theo ate up seeming like a child in need of a father figure. 

Charlie liked my friends and he was glad that he hadn't see Edward today at all. As nice as he was towards Edward because of what i told him, Charlie still couldn't shake out the fact that Bella suffered because of what he did. I couldn't blame him for his hatred and i couldn't really blame Edward for thinking he was doing the right thing. No matter how stupid his choices are sometimes. 

I grimaced. Like the vision Alice had today. I knew it had to do with Victoria but it doesn't mean I know specifically what it was. And he knows that i know and still chooses to not include me. If it wasn't for Theo coming I'm sure i would have fought with him again.

Theo and I went to bed early since i had school tomorrow. I decided to lock the door this time so we wouldn't concern ourselves with Charlie coming in and out whenever he got worried. We didn't do much talking at night since he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillows. So i took it upon myself to put his clothes away in my closet and set the weapons tucked between the desk and the bookshelf.

He was still asleep as I got up the next morning to go to school. I didn't want to wake him so i left him a note that he can take the truck if he wanted to go anywhere informing him that Grace is back and at Cullen's house if he wants to see her.

Biking to school again. I insisted to do this much alone and have Edward and his family focus on more pressing matters, like the constant search of Victoria as she runs circles around them and the wolves. Which reminded me... There was a hiccup in the negotiations.

According to Jacob the pack wasn't willing to travel all the way down to Seattle to stop the army. They didn't want to leave their home unprotected. The army would have to come here. Alice still couldn't see anything and since Edward informed his family that there might be more vampires than they thought of originally they couldn't very well make the trip themselves for the risk that i mentioned, human casualties and Volturi arrival. So both the pack the the Cullens were waiting for information.

When i mentioned that training should still start regardless, they both said they could managed until the time comes. I haven't checked on Jacob since then, pissed of their decision and i wondered if Jacob ever got in direct contact with Edward. If they had started talking again even just to share information on Victoria, i haven't been told anything.

Which is bullshit.

As i turned the corner into the parking lot Edward was a there to stop my bike. He smiled playfully. "Careful there Isabella. You might have fallen and broken something."

I peeked around him and saw Jacob, "i assumed negotiations have ceased completely because you're both idiots. Hopefully this means that my assumptions are wrong."

His brows knitted together, "there has been a... bump."

I got off the bike and left him with it. "No problem. I can fix that."

"Isabella, please." He followed taking the bike for me. I wonder if he'd look like sonic the hedgehog pedaling as fast as he could on it. "Can you do me a favor and not get involved."

I turned to gape at him, "...I would, if I could trust that things would turn out well without my involvement. Prove yourself reliable and maybe I won't have to lend my assistance." I waved at Jake. He grinned and waved back, "want to tell me what the bump was before he does?"

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