Chapter 19

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Ditching was easy to do when you live in a large city. Where nobody really knows you so nobody really cares. People mind their own business and unless their staff members at the school that take their jobs seriously they don't notify your parents. 

Well... welcome to Forks where everyone knows everything and gossip.

I biked back home to get started with cleaning and dinner. When Charlie got back he had two words for me.

"You're grounded."


"Ditching Bella?" He set his hands on his hips. Face red in anger.

"Oh, I'm sorry dad."

"Sorry?" He exhaled sharply rubbing his temple, "Sorry you got caught i bet. Now, who are the kids you went ditching with?"

"Dad..." i whined and pouted.

"Bella don't fight me on this."

I rose my hands in surrender, "welp, i tried. I'll accept my punishment, gracefully."

The lack of fighting seemed to throw him off. His face relaxed and stayed in confusion more than anything. I couldn't help but laugh. I remember fighting a lot and it never did any good for me. Being grounded isn't that bad either way. Accept that i need to make sure i can sleep over with Grace this weekend.

"Well..." he rubbed his mustache and gave a quick nod, "that's not at all how i imagined things would go."

"Did you want me lie and fight with you?" I asked.

"No. It's good that you understand that you deserve the consequences of your actions." He said.

I gave him a hug. And he returned it. We ate dinner with soft rock music playing in the background. He was into it and asked me what else i was into. I shared what i knew was out at the time and when i wasn't sure i asked him instead. We watched TV together finally getting around to the nanny which he didn't find much joy in but when i laughed he laughed so everything was good. He was willing to continue to watch it if i agreed to join him one of these days to watching a full game with him. I agreed and he scrunched up his face in playful doubt.

"Now your pulling my leg." He murmured even though i do occasionally join him although i never stay for a whole match. "Go to sleep. You're still grounded."

"Drat." I chuckled, "you saw through my master plan."

"There's no fooling me. Good night sweetheart."

"Good night dad."

  The next day i was picked up by Oliver. Dad looked at me and I at him. Both of us not used to having Oliver ever picking me up solo.  Usually accompanied by Grace and Theo. He had an inkling that i ditched with this group of friends. He having lived here all his like and knew everyone who lived here didn't believe that Angela Weber, Jessica Stanley nor Mike Newton would ever do such a thing. But Charlie didn't know these kids that well. They moved in not that long ago. All of them except for Oliver that hopped out of the car, red faced, red puffy eyes and swollen face weeping mess. 

"Good morning Officer Swan." Oliver barely choked out breathing heavily as he was trying to gather some air and stop oncoming tears. "I'm sorry about yesterday." He continued, "i got call from the others that their parents were mad at them. It's my fault! I'm so sorry."

Charlie crossed his arms trying to process the information and getting more and more uncomfortable by the crying mess in front of him. 

"Okay, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Dad asked thinking about setting a hand on Oliver's shaking shoulders but not sure if he should. I frowned and enveloped Oliver in my embrace. Oliver sniffling into my sweater before wiping at his eyes and trying for composure.

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