Chapter 94

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Once the club started, I realized a very quick problem. Justice wasn't willing to compromise. He wanted an anime club to enjoy anime. Noted. Valid. But to be completely honest, the only reason the anime club wasn't initially approved was because the school was supporting so many other clubs that had an important impact on students lives that supporting anime viewing didn't seem important enough.

So hobby club or as stupidly ( and i actually liked it cuz it's stupid) named by Glenn, the Take a Penny Club. Or T.a.P club.

Gerard and Alex were more than willing to learn new songs and play their instruments. Seeing as drums were a difficult thing to bring to school it was mostly just Gerard and his guitar. I had taken lessons with Edward to play piano and part of those lessons were reading and writing music notes. I wasn't sure, if that applied the same or just somewhat similar to guitars so i watched Gerard play first and he taught me the  basic strings. After listening to it for a bit, i used the chalk board and prepared  a music sheet. I had him play the strings, unsurprisingly to me the song he knew to play was Wonderwall... because of course it was, and i slowly started humming a song and writing off some notes. They weren't perfect but I had Gerard play a bit of it and corrected as I went.

"Oh!" Alex got excited when the notes started getting clearer. "Monochrome no kiss!"

"I'll have to think about how to write the rest of the notes. I'm not very good at it," i muttered.

"What can you not do?" Alex asked. "I thought you were into clothes making only."

I just smiled and shrugged. "Maybe we should ask Rochelle if we could borrow some drums or if you don't mind practicing at home and you can use your free time here however you want, that would be great."

The two boys were down for it. They were just excited about finally being official. They were willing to do contests or be stand ins if the music club needed them. They liked playing their instruments so they didn't mind. Being able to have a meeting place for anime was enough reward for them to do their best. 

Justice though, didn't have a particular skill besides his exceedingly brilliant mind for math but he wasn't down to apply that brilliant head of his to study to be a part of mathlete. So already, there was a problem.

"What will you be competing in?" Gerard asked. "I've seen you at cheer a few times. You going to be their emergency stand in?"

"Yeah, Jeannette and her club were a huge help to getting this club made so I'll be spending my time over there for the mean time until I got the routine and some techniques down pat."

There was a momentary silence. That's when Indigo walked in with Mr Glenn by her side. He had a tired smile on his face. He lifted the five applications in triumph for show. We had done it.

If Justice had a complaint, he had a good job of hiding it by keeping his nose stuck in his book. That would be a problem later down the line but I couldn't be bothered right now. Right now, i needed to be a friend.

I smiled and hopped over to Indigo. I pulled her into an embrace and gave her a squeeze. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I gushed and pulled her away so i can look at her and she can see that her action of joining us made me really happy.

It wasn't a complete lie. I was happy she joined so I wouldn't have to try to find someone to be the fifth member. Because she was a person that felt a need to feel validated, she was more than willing to help and by helping and I appreciating her efforts in helping me... i gave her validation. It wasn't a healthy dose of it but if she decides to stay around and actually bond with someone then maybe she could learn that the only validation she needed was from herself...

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