Chapter 92

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I was gauging the reaction of the people around me. There tends to be three usual reactions. People that really like it, people that really hate it and others that really don't care. I have experienced all three.

This uniform was the starting point. FullMetal Alchemist being well loved among the anime fans and very recognizable to the community even if they hadn't watched it. I'll see what other outfits I can do with the clothes I got until i got more time to make more outfits. The cosplay wasn't perfect, I didn't bother with a wig, contacts or makeup, yet. I'll probably have to do something about it soon but for a last minute decision  to dedicate my time to this for the school year, I think it's pretty good.

I went to English class and took my seat. I wasn't approached by Indigo. Maybe she got the message that I didn't want to hang out with her. I wasn't a fan of people that let their friends suffer alone, anyways. 

Maybe Theo and Grace spoiled me into thinking that all friends should be supporting each other.  Through thick and thin... not all friends are willing to face a hoard of vampires for you. I guess my standards are just too high now. 

Science class was difficult to sit through. Mrs Dean had this droning voice, sounding very much like she had a hang over and haven't gotten over it. On a positive note, I remembered most of the lessons so I was able to doodle away in class. 

We got to homeroom and I asked to leave early to deal with my period, which I didn't have. The teacher was more than happy to send me to the nurse to grab a pad. Which i did do. I slowly walked the halls and got to the nurse's office. She gave me a look and handed me the thin strip.

" don't you have something for a heavier flow?" I asked her.

She sighed and looked around before handing me a few more thin pads.

"Thank you," i said waving the pads in the air and with the lie covered, I left to go sit in the bathroom for the remaining twenty minutes and slipped away to the cafeteria for nutrition two minutes before the bell rang. 

Dorian took a seat with me. Maybe it was because I was away from the others. I had been holed up somewhere in school away from the others last week. This could be seen as my proper debut to the school.

"What are you supposed to be?" He asked.

His friends weren't with him this time.

"Curious?" I asked.

He looked around the room and licked his teeth as if he was trying to figure something out. 

"Not with your friends?" He asked instead.

"I hang out with them for one day and now they're my friends? Sir, you don't seem to understand how friends work."

He scoffed. "You're the one that made a show of standing up for Justice," he said.

"When did I do that?" I asked stupidly. "I just went to sit down with a classmate to get to talk to you," i said. "Now that my curiosity of you is sated, why are you here?"

He was trying to figure me out but there wasn't much he could do here except doubt everything. That would be smart of him. You'd think I'd be able to read these kids like a book. I can only guess what could be going on through their heads. If I knew them better then the amount of things I can guess would also increase in accuracy but that comes with a lot of unnecessary feelings. Getting attached makes taking actions difficult.

"I guess," he muttered. "My curiosity on the new girl hasn't been satisfied."

"Are you flirting with me, sir?" I asked.

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