Chapter 25: New Moon

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It felt like i was falling. I hate those. The dreams where you startle awake when in reality you're safe and sound in your bed. I flinch, my eyes widening at the drop. Body lurching a bit to catch myself. My legs giving out on me because i was not in my bed at all but on my feet. But i was held up by a strong arm. 

My eyes first focus on what was in front of me. The three thrones, occupied by three vampires surrounded by their coven. Not all of them but enough of them to already have the passing thought that i would die here even if logically thinking i knew i wouldn't.

The next thought after my potential death is 'what the fuck is happening?' My heart beat increased exponentially. My hands were clammy. I was soaking wet and i didn't know why. My breathing became quick and rapid. My eyes dart around and take the room in. 

The arm around me tightened. I tried not to make it obvious when i peeked up to see who had me. Edward on my right and Alice to my left. 

I took a deep breathe. I'm sure my sudden panic wasn't lost on everyone in the room but right now i can't let my panic overtake me. Shuddering in this cold room I forced my legs to keep me upright first. 

I am not scared.

I am not weak.

I am planted. I am firm. 

I am brave.

My legs lock into place still trembling lightly but much firmer now that i didn't need Edward's support. I try to push up away from him focusing now on my core. He didn't relent on his hold and i didn't bother trying further. I fell into a natural slump trying to hunch forward into a ball in my panic. I have to fix that.

Don't let them see you terrified. 

Don't let them use that against you.

You stand tall. You are strong.

You are safe.

I straighten myself. My heart still beating wildly in my chest. I know that everything i do to make myself appear calm is not going to work on everyone in this room. They can hear my panic. But i tear myself away from that thought. How did i get here? Why here? What is happening? There's no time to think.

"Ask her." Edward said voice flatter than i have ever heard it. 

My eyes immediately made contact with the old vampire. My hand search for my scar. The ring on my thumb. None of it there. I tilt my head up. My lips purse together. 

"Of course, how rude of me!" Aro's eyes were brilliantly red. "Bella," he addressed me. I forced the smile on my face. Calm. Calm. The questions could be for later. For now i have to be— "I'm fascinated that you are the one exception to Edward's impressive talent— so very interesting that such a thing should occur! And i was wondering, since our talents are similar in many ways, if you would be so kind as to allow me to try— to see if you are an exception for me, as well?"

My shoulders rolled back. I stood tall before him and with a smile i offered him my hand, "i surely hope i don't disappoint." I joked before i thought better of it. 

He gave me a toothy grin as he came over to take my hand in his. The cold seeped into my wet skin. I continued to offer him a smile as his confidence slowly slipped off his face. 

Feel powerless. I urged him. Be a little at a loss. 

"So very interesting," he let go of my hand and drifted off... or was it more like glide off, back to his people. He eyes still stayed on us, bouncing at each of us one at a time. 

I know this scene. Now that I'm calm enough to think i can remember the steps of this moment. I slip my hand into Edward's. I squeeze his hand. Easy, i think. Wishing so much that he could hear my thoughts at this moment. Be calm so i can maintain this false calm that i so delicately put up.

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