Chapter 102

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Simon had me on the bed by three. He had promised to stay up so he can send the packages on their way and by doing so taking one of my worries off my shoulders. But more important than that, he said if I wanted to continue stalling my eventual turn, then he would stay for as long as I wanted to stall. If Dorian was a part of me stalling then Simon would accept that too.

I'm not sure if that was to make me feel good or loved or guilt. I didn't particularly feel much of anything by his words. They were just words. Said seemingly to the wind. 

"Don't you have to hunt?" I asked him. "You lost a lot of blood there."

"I needed to see if I could feel Oliver," he said.

I frowned. "You mean, like before? He spying on you?"

"No, it's not like that. Oliver was keeping an eye on the house last time because he needed to know how the story was progressing. So knowing who was here and who wasn't was important to him. Knowing how we made changes to everything was also important to him... but it's not like he's spying on you now."

"That makes sense. That kind of magic though... is it possible in this world?"

"He made it work. Hasn't told any of us on how he's achieved it but considering how he made vampire slaying weapons... one can imagine it isn't a nice method."

A sudden thought hit me then. I sat up in bed. "A Crusnik."

"A what?"

"A crusnik. In the anime Trinity Blood, vampires are technically the top of the food chain, except for the Crusniks which are vampires that feed on other vampires. Their powers are beyond that of normal vampires and could destroy cities even... if I'm remembering it correctly. I haven't exactly watched the anime or read the manga recently. I'm going off very old memories."

Simon sat up with me. I had no desire to sleep now. I needed to know if this was plausible in this world.

"You certainly never fail to have such... useless information stored in your head."

"Isn't so useless now. Not when I might actually be onto something. The question now is how?" I muttered. "Vampires in the trinity blood universe... or other universes for that matter do not break like glass when ripped apart of bitten. Their bodies are definitely sturdier than humans but against other vampires or even wolves their bodies are still flesh and blood. This will make the feeding on other vampires method rather difficult to do here."

"... joyful."

"What? Yes," I said. "I am happy right now. Humans are a difficult subject to work with... but i can work with vampires. Vampire shit... is easier. Is that weird?"

"No. You like living in a fantasy. We've dunked you in reality for too long. I realize that."

I sighed relieved.

"I'm sorry I'm being difficult."

Simon shook his head. "I don't care if you are. It's not unwarranted. I will just like to know how to react to it."

I snorted. "Maybe you're overthinking it? You've done well with my emotional ass before. Do you think my emotions are just clouding your judgement? That's why you gave the emotional overload to Augie, right?"


I was heading to my laptop so I could look up the information of trinity blood and see if there was anything else that gave inspiration to the existence of a crusnik but after Simon muttered that word, I stopped. I turned back to the bed where Simon sat perfectly still and just staring out the window. There was this far away look on his face. 

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