Chapter 7

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I stopped by Simon's classroom before going to the mine, having to skip passed Mike and the others in a quickest jog i could muster without tripping over my own feet. I poked my head into his class and didn't find him in. Augie was in though. In all shades of orange looking life autumn fell upon him. He noticed me quickly and sluggishly left his seat to come and push me out to talk in the hallway.

"Something wrong?"

"Are you coming to the beach this Saturday?" I asked, "sort of want to gather my defenses before i go."

He snickered, "it's not like your going to war Izzy." He leaned onto the locker, "aren't you going to be late?"

"It's a yes or no question Augie."

"Nope. Simon and I won't be going to the beach. Not our scene. Especially if you're going with those dolts you call friends."

"Angela is great okay."

He laughed and slapped my shoulder, "careful Iz, you're opinions on the others are showing. Get to class. We'll give you a ride after school."

I ran into the class, late, and tripped on the upturned carpet. Carpets, I did not blame Bella's clumsiness, has always been an enemy of mine and i cursed it whenever they threatened to have me fall.  

I took my seat and set my things on the empty seat beside me as a safe guard between me and Mike who had made himself comfortable at the table that used to belong just to Edward. I would rather invite Jessica to sit with me. Jessica's fake ness was easier to handle than Mike's attempt of flirting.

I remember what was supposed to happen as the teacher set the the DNA sampling kit in front of me. I would be fine. I grabbed the needle without thinking about it and quickly stuck my inner wrist. It was unusual to others maybe but i always found the pain of anything sharp against my fingertips much more painful than cutting the inside of the wrists so that's what i did. Making a small incision so it wouldn't leave any scar or indication of injury once healed and easily concealed for the rest of the day.

Then it hit me. A smell so pungent that i gagged. I turned sharply to Mike Newton who just stabbed his forefinger. The mix of his blood, mine and the others bombarded me at once. I don't have an aversion to blood. I'm fine with it really. 

"You're looking pale. Are you okay?" Mike asked.

I get up and drop the needle. I'm going to faint. I'm going to puke. I'm going to do all of these things and maybe even cry while I'm at it.

I rose my hand, "Mr. Banner, i don't feel well." 

"Can you get to the nurses office yourself?"

"Yeah, I'm golden. Just feeling faint."

"I can take her." Mike volunteered. 

No i wouldn't allow that. His thoughts are too loud and i made a small cut. 

"I'm good." I gave them a thumbs up and began to step out of the room. 

I was born to be a vampire. Was my sudden thought. It was a stupid line in the final book. Bella never felt like she belonged in the human world. She didn't fit in but once she's a vampire everything felt right in her life. She was finally normal. Not overly clumsy. Not unsure of herself. Not a danger to herself and potentially others. Not queasy around blood, but wary of it. 

I collapsed at the hallway partway to the nurses office. My legs gave out on me. I felt clammy and i was trembling. If Edward finds me then how bad would that be for the both of us.

I rubbed my wrists until the blood smeared off. The smell of rust and salt assaulting my senses and made my head light. I sucked at it until no more blood was seen or coming out and forced myself to get to the nurses office myself.

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