Chapter 69

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Edward and Bella both returned together. Augustus and Simon had startled awake the moment they were close by but stayed in their place not daring to move. Not wanting to see Bella.

"I'll go," Theo volunteered. He's seen her before. He knew more or less what he would be getting himself into. He left the notes with Diego and exited with Jasper who had been very cautious of Bella from the moment she woke up.

Everyone stood on the porch watching as Jacob stood by the tree line where the forest touched the Cullens lawn. Leah and Grace came bursting in from the other side of the lawn together as Seth seemed to appear from the opposite side.

"Careful, Jacob," Edward said. He didn't quite seem to care. Theo could tell by the way his voice sounded flat and nearly a whisper that had still been in shock. "Maybe this isn't the best way—"

"You think it's better to let her in the house first?" Jacob interrupted, thankfully not mentioning the baby. From what Jasper revealed they haven't quite told her that part yet. "It's safer to see how Bella does with me. I heal fast."

Edward was unresponsive for a while. There was a hint of concern but that gave way to something else and that gave way to a twisted glower. Bella had been trying to read the expression on Edward's face and even though she didn't understand what was going on she picked up that it had to do with her... or better yet, the person that was inside of her before her return.

Bella scowled, probably trying to figure out what was happening. Why was Jacob here? Why was he blocking her from approaching? She was concentrating really hard and her head cocked to the side. Everyone was sure that she picked up on the human heartbeats inside the house. 

Bella wore Edward's white button up shirt. The blue dress was a mess underneath. Torn from the bottom, bloodied from the top. Theo could smell the human blood on her. She had attacked someone. Not that anyone would mention that yet.

"It's your neck, i guess."

Edward didn't move from where he was even when Leah growled furiously, moving away from Grace to get around, back into the forest, and behind Bella. In case she needed to strike.

Edward twitched in response but didn't bother saying anything. He probably thought she wouldn't do it.

There were obviously things that Bella wasn't picking up on but she saw Theo and there was a small confirmation. She knew it had everything to do with the invading soul, with our Izzy, but she hadn't been able to pull out specifics. It seems that Edward hadn't been able to explain much to her.

"Bella?" Jacob started, partially unsure.

His relationship with Izzy was difficult because he was in love with Bella but was kind enough to not drag Iz into his love of her... even when she was sealing the fate of the one he loved. Theo scoffed at that thought. Obviously, Iz knew the thing he was attracted to was the egg inside her which is fucking gross the more you think about it. 

Now, with the child out, he probably felt nothing towards Bella. Nothing but the friendship they shared between them. Theo was kind of relieved by that. There was one thing that no one needed anymore at this time and that was unnecessary drama. 

"Yeah, it's me," she responded with a slight scoff to her voice. Like she couldn't really believe she had to confirm that to him. To her friend. 

Jacob took it in stride, grinning, falling easily into how he always treated her, "I gotta say it, Bells. You're a freak show now."

Theo and the others could see Edward twitch. There was a slight growl but otherwise his mouth stayed closed. Theo wished he had mind reading abilities to know how they hell he was taking all of this. 

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