Chapter 48

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I took my time getting up the next morning. The Cullens had bought a bed specifically for me to sleep upon and i gratefully used it. Even though i did mention that i really wouldn't have minded the coffin. Of course, Edward would have none of that. 

I fixed the bed and got dressed taking my sweet time in making choices. I new a jacket would be necessary. A warm one. So i ditched Simon's leather jacket for dads big red flannel one. Still my favorite one despite everything.

I joined Edward in the kitchen where he had prepared breakfast for me. He didn't stay long beginning to do his packing as the others started to come in. I looked towards the clock. A few minutes till eleven. Their urgent backs and forth didn't encourage me to eat any faster. I wanted to have a few chill minutes before i had to be carried back and forth by wolves and vampires. Although i wouldn't mind making another battle speech on the back of a giant wolf again. That's something I'll never forget for the rest of my life.

I flicked my wrist a bit to listen to the jingle of charms on my silver bracelet. Pleased at the sound. Edward set a phone next to me, "Call Jacob and tell him we'll be ready for him in an hour or so. He knows where to meet us."

"Do I know?"

He grinned and shook his head. Leaving to continue what he was doing without providing an answer. I rolled my eyes trying hard not to let his happiness bother me too much. I hate surprised and he knows it.

Jacob wasn't home but i got in touch with Billy who promised to call around until he caught a hold of a werewolf so they could pass along the message.

"Don't you worry about Charlie, Marina. I've got my part of this under control."

"I trust you Billy."

"I wish i could be with the rest of them tomorrow. Being an old man is a hardship."

"I understand what you mean, sir. It's unfortunate you can't join them. I'm sure you'd show us a thing or two about how to fight."

Billy laughed on the other end, "Good luck, Marina and... pass that along to the, er,  Cullens for me."

"Will do. Have a good time with my dad." I set the phone back down and shoveled another piece of egg into my mouth, "Billy says good luck."

"That was generous of him," Edward said breaking away from a mental conversation he was having with Alice.  Curious I looked towards him and her. 

"Iz, could I please speak to you alone?" Alice asked.

Edward shook his head, "you don't have to Isabella. Ignore her."

Alice was clearly unhappy, "this isn't about you, Edward," she shot his way. "This is a female thing."

He frowned, "you'll antagonize her for no reason," Edward said.

Curiosity peaked i turned around to officially join the conversation, "what is it?" I asked.

Edward shook his head again, "you asked for it. Don't blame me." He strode off to the garage.

She took a seat next to me looking excited and dejected all at once. I couldn't exactly place the exact emotion or even begin to understand what this could be about. So i resorted back to any information i may have but nothing it coming to mind. As i thought, what an unmemorable part of the book.

"Iz?" Alice asked a little unsure.

"What's up?"

"You love me don't you?" She asked.

"... that really depends on the situation at hand... what do you want?"

"You don't love me!"

"I never said that! Of course I love you! But love is such a... a very powerful word and it makes me very uncomfortable to say it so directly!"

Soul not IncludedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon