Chapter 43

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"What a very appropriate time to throw a party," i said with obvious fake enthusiasm. Alice ignored the tone.

"Graduation is what's going on right now, and a party is so appropriate its almost passé."

"It's what?" I asked.

"Passé. It means out of date." She explained.

"Learning new things everyday," i muttered.

"Yes, isn't that lovely?" She grinned, "and since we're just sitting here waiting, we might as well commemorate the good stuff by having  a party. Your once in a life time shot."

I laughed at her phrase once in a life time. She pouted, "it's Bella's once in a life time shot. She didn't remember anything when she came back but it'd be nice to tell her that she had these experiences."

I dropped my spork and sat back into the seat. "Alice." Edward scolded.

"What? I mean there's a possibility that it happens right?" Alice pressed her lips together, "I'm sorry, i know that it bothers you. Sorry Iz."

I shook my head, "it's fine. It's true in any case. That's why I didn't argue the party."

She grinned, "so, you're twenty eight technically. How was your graduation party?"

I picked up the spork again but didn't feel like eating anything anymore. I pushed the tray away, "i didn't go to the prom, didn't have a party and didn't attend graduation... but i did go to grad night at six flags. Closest thing to a party i guess... that i had to pay for... for two people."

Alice scowled, "no party, no prom and no graduation day? Why not!"

I shrugged, "I knew i wouldn't have any good memories at the events after Grad night. So i volunteered to avoid any additional heartaches by not attending the rest."

"Can I know what happened?" She pressed.

"Alice... stop," Edward said 

"I'm curious! Iz never spends time with just us. I want to know my friend better."

Edward sighed and looked at me as if trying to apologize with his eyes. I shrugged back. "Sure. As long as you don't mind me summarizing it as short as i can."

"Tell me!"

I sat back flinching a bit when i pushed against some bruises, "let's see. There was someone i was complete smitten with. I went to grad night because i wanted to have something akin to a final date with him—"

"You broke up?" She asked.

"I figured out I was his side ho for a few months."

She gasped, "what a jerk! I hope you hit him."

I shook my head, "I just stopped my relationship with him after that but that didn't mean i didn't love him anymore. So i wanted this final delusion of mine and even went so far as to buy his ticket. That's eighty bucks I'm never getting back."


I laughed, "stop interrupting. You can complain after I'm done." She agreed to do just that and i peeked over at Edward. His jaw was set and hands were clenched. I suddenly remembered a conversation we had so long ago. If my types were the men that treated me like shit.

"Grad night was fun. He was with me the whole night. He held my hand the entire time and i pretended that everything was fine and it was until the morning when we were dropped of back at school. We walked to his house and he wanted to sleep with me even while he knew that I knew about his girlfriend. So, grad night ruined after that more rumors about me start circulating around campus. The little friends i managed to keep suddenly hated me. I found out that i technically didn't have enough credits to actually graduate due to some mistakes on my part and in the end i didn't go to anything. I technically finished my high school at an adult school near my home. That's it."

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