Chapter 47

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That day marked one day. Three left. I spent the third day alone with Edward in his house. He apologized for not telling me that it would be him and not Alice that i would be sleeping over with. I shrugging not really minding much.

I remembered this scene late because it wasn't really memorable in the slightest. I wouldn't have said no either way. They were clearing up my weekend for the battle. The only thing that i dislike from this was that i wouldn't be able to come up with a new plan if that was necessary.

I don't even have a confirmation if Bree had joined or if the story will continue as it has been.

"Can I mess with your piano?" I asked him when we first got there. He didn't even think about it. He just guided me to his grand piano that had a room all to itself. It was a huge place without much furniture in it. He pulled the seat for me. 

"Have you played before?" He asked.

"I took classes in elementary and high school. Didn't continue with it though."

"Were you that bad?" He joked but i didn't laugh to it. I set my hands on C scale and my fingers crawled up the scales as if I had never stopped playing and then crawled back down just as fast. I settled into the seat a bit. "Not bad then... what do you know how to play?"

"Dearly Beloved... and other video game songs," I answered.

"Did you stop playing?"

"Yeah, didn't have time for it."

"Play me something?" He asked.

I had to think for a moment. He probably had a lot of sheets of music but one of the big factors of why i stopped playing was because i couldn't really sight read the music notes, among other things.

"Okay." I took a deep breath and played the only song i memorized. A favorite of my brother, Gymnopedies no. 1 by Erik Satie. It was a slow song. It wasn't anything i usually liked playing. I really like letting my fingers fly across the keys but this song hits different. It hits home. 

After i finished playing for him, he played for me. Bella's lullaby. The song he played had its up and down but was brought together at the end with his love for her... "that was Bella's... i changed it a little as time passed."

He played it again and this time there was no lovely conclusion. There was turmoil and confusion and hurt and sense of loss. the song ended like that. With no way to be sure if there was any end anywhere. "It's called Marina... i play it when i feel at a loss."

"Is it wrong of me to feel happy you feel that way?"

"Yes." He answered quickly, "how little you think of my feelings..."

"That's not how I meant it. Hold on," i struggled to piece the words together but tried again anyways unsure if they would make things clear or just cause more confusion, "I'm happy that you think I'm important enough to immortalize in a song. Even if I go away tomorrow or next week... you immortalized me in your music... thank you. So much."

He smiled his hand unconsciously tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, "of course."

I let him this time. "Now, I want to see Simon's coffin."

Edward's smile fell, "why?"

"I've never been in a coffin before and I reckon I'll never have a chance until I die or something but by then i won't remember the experience."

I laid in the coffin finding it unusually comfortable and played several scenes of vampires rising from their rest. The most difficult being Vincent rising in one go up to his feet without bending a single limb and the one vampire in the interview with the vampire that leaped out of its coffin aflame.

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