Chapter 118

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Oliver was as I saw him last seated upon the third throne. His eyes still gleaming in pleasure as I approached him. I'm sure he thought I would take a little longer before returning to him. He must have not taken into account that after what happened with Edward I was sure to come running to the only room that I might be able to hide from him. Not well but well enough.

After the confession of his divorce, which makes me feel in all sorts of ways that i cannot fathom the dominant feeling always guilt (surprise surprise) and the others a muddled mess of... other negative and potentially not so negative things. Even with Augie here assisting in my emotional management something that I am usually so adept to handling, I was still left confused and guilty and uncomfortable.

I left to go to sleep while he went with Bella to go hunting. He'll be gone for three or so days. He'll be back sooner than that if he's able. He wanted to talk more. Particularly, he wanted to punish me for making him dress as a vampire. 

I have to face the consequences, he said.

Simon had returned by early morning. He woke me up just to tell me he returned, bloody and muddy, he kissed me softly before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

So as Simon slept and Augie proceeded to continue his life here in Volterra I decided, Oliver would be a wonderful way to hide from Edward just in case he decided not to travel too far. 

"Back so soon?" Oliver asked gleefully.

Demetri wasn't in the room and last I saw of Bree and the two boys that are usually with her they had left out with Grace. Not sure where they are now.

"What can I say. I missed you."

He brought his hand up to his mouth to hide his teeth while he laughed. "Consider me flattered. In truth, I'd have nearly expected you to hate me for the things I've done."

"Oh, no. I for sure hate you don't get me wrong. I'd wish you go die in a ditch."

 "That's a relief! I'd question your character otherwise!"

Rolling my eyes I took my seat on the armrest beside him. No longer willing to sit beneath him, which by the way he leaned to the side to look up at me, he must have approved of. 

"This new you suits you," he said.

New me? He must have meant my body. Oliver has only really seen me in this new body for one day at most before now. This is probably the longest we've seen each other like this.

"Thank you," I said not particularly caring for the compliment.

"White is as innocent as a color as one could be. Used in weddings for purity and such," he continued. "Although in some regions it's also a color for death. They wear it in funerals for mourning. This duality suits you."

"You didn't have to explain."

"You didn't seem to understand the compliment."

"I'm sure you heard my decision," i said changing the subject.

"An unfortunate selection to be sure. You'll regret it you know," he said.

"I'll worry about that when the time comes."

Oliver sighed and rested his head onto the palm of his hands. There was something he wanted to say, maybe he wanted to convince me but ultimately he didn't say anything more about it. I'm sure now that the reason Simon was so adamant to make sure that I made my decision based on my own wishes instead of the wishes of others were based on a demand made by Oliver himself.

Not that Simon was against Oliver's demand that time.

"There's something that I wanted to confess to," he said.

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