Chapter 64

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Fred went to find Grace. Avoiding and repelling everyone he came across so he wouldn't have to deal with them. It was almost no different than he normally was so as long as his thoughts were clear then everything would be well.

There was a list of things I had to be ready for. The pack wasn't even the worse of it. The scene with the pack seemed believable at least... not the acceptance of allowing Bella to break the treaty in the first place but the moments that they feared the unknown. To stomp out the danger before it was allowed a change to become a threat. I accepted that and wasn't surprised or stressed about it happening. There was nothing to prepare for.

The warning to Fred was nothing more than to make sure the young ones weren't surprised and weren't threatened by the wolves.

I felt my stomach constrict and Ness moved again causing me tense up at the sudden pain shooting around sending all my nerve receptors screaming at each other. I clutched the arm of the couch i was on and tried to regain composure but suddenly I wanted to puke and I wanted to sleep and I wanted... just wanted to hear Charlies voice again.

Edward walked into the room alone. I was waiting on Rosalie but she didn't walk in. I eyed the basin set by the couch but didn't dare reach for it. Edward stopped a few steps away from me. His head was working over time but I was pleased to see that at least he was able to not look so... tormented. 

I extended my hand for him and he took it. Swiftly. Eagerly. Kissing my knuckles.

"You sent Jacob off... he didn't help?" He asked.

"What could he have possibly helped with?"

"I just thought..." he whispered. 

"He helped a little... he told me you cared, i was worried... that I'd pushed you too much," I tilted his head up and so he could talk to me and not my hand. "I'm just glad that you're okay," I whispered back. "Thank you so much... for being here for me."

"Of course I care, I'm sorry it took me so long... too long. I won't hesitate again."

I chuckled and set a hand on his cheek, "I don't expect you to be Superman you know... some days it's okay to just be, Clark Kent."

Chuckling he kissed me lightly on my lips. My head blanked for a moment. Fuzzy with a familiar sensation of floating. Finally, Edward is here. The fear was still there behind his golden eyes but he was ready to face it now. Together. Together is good.

I pulled away from him to breathe, "My friend, love... I will never betray you. I swear by the end of this... I will be okay."

"But not human," he said.

I felt the small chills running down my body. "Yes, not human," I confessed. "I'm sorry for making that choice without you."

He closed his eyes tightly and leaned carefully closer to me. Careful of the brittle bones I was becoming. "As long as I have you," he said. "But we truly do have to work on your communication skills."

I laughed, "Like you're one to talk."

"We both need some practice," he agreed.

My stomach lurched and Edward moved the basin under me so quickly that i didn't see it. I wheezed and hacked into the bucket so hard that more pain started screaming at me. Everyone rushed into the room. Their voices buzzing around me. My lids felt heavy. So with one steady look at Edward and a forced smile for reassurance, I let my eyes close so I can sleep a bit.

When i woke up I was on a bed, like those in a hospital. I looked around unable to keep myself from making breathing hard and grunting at the effort it took just to look around. Edward was there to take my hand. "Isabella, darling..."

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