Chapter 39

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                                                       Theodore Valoz's very long night... part two.

Theo knew from the first night out that he would have to keep going as consistently as possible to catch the right newborns at the right time. He also knew that he wouldn't really be able to talk through it all with Iz. She was right about Alice's visions. 

When he arrived at the Cullen's house with Augustus, Alice appeared by the doorway with a troubled expression on her face. Theo smiled pleasantly and hugged her quickly before grabbing hold of Simon who had woken up peculiarly early. Fortunately, it wasn't Theo that Alice was looking for although she did stare at him for a bit before she focused on Augustus that held his hands over his ears in a desperate attempt to not hear her.

"What happened?" Simon asked staring back worriedly to Augustus. Alice gets bossy sometimes. When she really wants something, be it material goods or information, she demands it. Theo knew that once she starts demanding information from Augustus there would be an incredible amount of pain from his inability to give it to her. Since Theo made it clear that Augie shouldn't talk about it.

"He's probably doing something stupid in the future," Theo lied. Simon narrowed his eyes. Not buying it. Theo had a problem with Simon. Out of the two brothers he found Augustus to be endearing but Simon to be a bit problematic. Augie was lazy and had a foul mouth after he got comfortable with a person but he genuinely cares in his own way. Simon is neither mean or nice. He's levelheaded and is clear on where he draws certain lines with people. Theo warned Izzy from asking Simon for a favor for that very reason. Of course now Theo knew he was wasting his time and concern.  He didn't realize that Simon was sincere towards Izzy because it looked no different from how he treated everyone else.

"How was the sleep over?" Simon asked keeping an eye on Augustus. 

"I shared a bed with Iz. Jacob slept on the couch... It's quiet over there. You'd like it." 

Alice stepped away from Augustus. The dark haired boy finally winning the battle of endurance. Everyone knew that she probably got distracted by something else. She wasn't one to quit. Simon scowled at Augie who looked away holding the sleeves of his dark sweater up to his nose that starting bleeding.

"And the food with Augie?" Simon pressed.

"Great. He ate the menu."

Simon hummed.

Theo redirected the line of conversation to Simon, "so, Iz left you a gift on her last visit. Do you like it."

There was a hint of... something, Theo was trying to figure it out, glimmering in the expression that Simon made. It wasn't quite a positive or negative thing... and despite what Simon might say it wasn't affection either. 

"I don't think i can wear spandex for her." Simon said.

Theo gawked as a laugh erupted from upstairs. That was another thing Theo hated from being in the Cullen's house. The lack of privacy. "She doesn't want a superhero. I'm sure she'd be more impressed if you turned into an actual bat for her dude." Theo clapped him on the back. "Go ahead. Turn into a bat."

"She doesn't like pets either."

Theo wanted to hit him, "Are you planning on being a pet for her if she did?"

Simon thought about it for a bit, "...that sounds like it would be difficult to do. Pets don't talk."

"Is that what you think the problem is?" Theo asked. 

"Isn't it?" Simon cocked his head, the unusual sharpness of his blue eyes piercing, "You aren't much different than I am, you know. It's suits us both well to stay where we feel useful."

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