Chapter 40

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Theo sent me a text while i was at the bonfire and his note was left unopened in my back pocket. I wanted to read them but couldn't bring myself to do it while Edward drove me home. I was ready to fall asleep in the car he brought but my eagerness to read what i had was keeping me on edge. 

"Are you tired?" He asked.

"No, not really."

"Did you have a nice time?"

"It was... interesting. Meeting new people and pretending i already knew them." He chuckled and said nothing. I could tell that he was mulling over some thoughts and thinking of how was the best way to ask. When he didn't voice his thoughts i continued, "Billy Black told us some old legends about how the wolves came to be. About how whenever vampires are near more of them turn into wolves as an automatic response to protect their people."

Edwards brows furrowed, "wait. When vampires are nearby?"

I nodded, "Yup, it's your families fault that so many wolves have changed this time. Bigger family from the last time you were around, larger pack needed to stop the threat."

Edward hummed, "that is interesting. Carlisle might be interested in hearing more about it. We always thought the wolves went extinct but if they change when vampires are nearby—"

"Learning new things in your old age Sir?"

He laughed, "I suppose I am... Isabella, am I allowed to come to your room tonight."

It took me a moment to let that request process in my mind, "... how about buying me some dinner first."

"I'll be sure to do that whenever I plan to actually eat you up."

Another moment to process that, "Ah! You made a joke! Eddy boy made a funny!" I laughed, "i hate it so much." 

He chuckled, "so you like bad jokes. I'll remember that."

He dropped me off at home with little to no goodbye since i agreed for him to come over tonight.  Charlie was still up but getting ready for bed soon. I leaped into his arms for a moment keeping him down in the living room for a bit. He asked me if i had a good time and i told him about the boys and girls I met. The elders and Billy telling stories by the fire. Charlie seemed enthralled by my excitement of sitting around a bonfire and sharing stories. He invited me again if maybe I'd like to join him on a fishing trip. This time I did think i might take him up on his offer. If only just to have that memory with him, even if i hated the idea of being in a boat on top of open water. So i agreed but i knew it wasn't going to be one of these weekends. Not until after Victoria. So i told him I'd let him know.

I left the window open to allow Edward in whenever he decided to come. I took out the note and phone opting to read the text first as that screamed priority to me. 

It read simply: You are the devil himself

Unsure on how to take that message I didn't reply. It made no sense and had no context. I would ask later if i had to. Much later.

Before i got to the note however, Edward climbed through the window in one elegant motion. I couldn't help the smile on my face, "you're such a natural at that. Miss stopping by so much?"

He took his seat on the chair, "I do but i would never do it again without permission... i thought you might want to sleep for a bit. You didn't sleep in the car. You normally do."

I shrugged, "I'm not tired today. How's the family?"

"Some of us went hunting, some of us are still out there, Esme is on her way home."

Soul not IncludedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora