Chapter 45

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I had moved the dress i had been making into my room to sew on the lace that i hadn't bothered to do before. I stayed up all night to finish adding the final touches. It was an off the shoulder short sleeved backless floor length dress. I added the pearl lace flowers of the similar color on the torso parts. Some of the lace i left loose towards the bottom so it wouldn't snag at the flow of the rest of the dress. It made it seem like the flowers were draping down in some areas around the waist. 

"Knock knock," Alice grinned from the doorway, "oh my, this is gorgeous! I didn't know you could sew!"

I sat back and looked at the dress, "i used to sew a bunch with my mum."

"She taught you well, may I?" 

I handed her my needle and thread and she finished up for me. It took her no time at all to finish.  She brushed her fingers down its side before saying, "it's a little plain don't you think?"

"My original concept was fairy king and queen. I wanted elven armor."

"You're such a nerd." She laughed, "with golden cuffs and a crown with dangling chains... i can see what you wanted. It's really pretty."

"I was going to wear it to prom."

"You can still go there's a final one for the school year."

I shook my head, "no, i wanted to go with my friends. There's no point if they're not there."

Alice reached for my hand. "What am I chop liver. Im here."

"And I'm going to your party. Made special for... me, i guess. Thank you Alice."

She giggled, "you're welcome. It's a welcomed feeling knowing what's right all the time. Which is why i hate that i can't see anything. Iz, what am i missing? Im focusing on Riley, i really am but all I'm getting are theses flickers from both him and Victoria and i can't see us so well now that we're mingling with the dogs and Grace is just as gone from my vision as they are now. It's so... annoying!"

I patted her back feeling just a tiny bit responsible for her annoyance.

"You don't know how irritating it is— missing things the way i have been. I feel so useless. So... normal." She cringe.

"Oh no, normalcy. How would we ever manage living such an unfair existence of being utterly normal."

She laughed, "but you're not normal Iz. You're special too."

"Hurray for being a body snatcher. I'm so proud of my specialness."

"Your sarcasm is unappreciated. Here, i brought some shoes. I saw that you didn't have anything to wear with your dress. And," Alice pulled out some silver jewelry. One a silver choker with a lace neck line with dangling chains that would run across my bare shoulders and matching bracelets of lace and dangling chains. "I can do your hair too."

I took the items and eyed the shoe box. She propped it open. Thigh high lace boots. 

"... why so much lace?"

"For your elven fantasy silly. If you were going to do it you might as well go all out. Beats those dingy flats you were going to wear."

"Don't hate the flats. They do their jobs well. Help me get dress?"

I should have realized Alice wouldn't be happy with my bruising as much as Edward was but unlike him she didn't comment on it. She helped slide on the dress and tighten the laces on my lower back making a perfect bow that drooped more than she cared for. She helped with the accessories and to her relief they covered the bites well and the off the shoulder sleeves that puffed at the bottom was also covering any bruising there. 

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