Chapter 44

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The next morning, i dressed again with my hair up in a sloppier version of the bun Simon made with a peach colored ribbon this time. I wore the same sweater and jacket combo not finding another shirt to cover any of the injuries that were slow to heal. But the pain was becoming more and more bearable. I wore another skirt without the leggings this time, i wanted to wear stockings and slipped on my Mary Janes. I scooped up my bag, that i never replaced, and ran downstairs sliding off the last step. 

I opened the door to let Edward in before he knocked. He had this bewildered look on his face, "i saw your car at a distance. Let me grab breakfast."

"Good morning to you too. Favorite sweater?" He asked.

"Yes! Its so cute." I answered and grabbed some granola bars and oranges.

"And Simon has nothing to do with it." He said nonchalantly but the bite in his tone of voice was there. I inhaled sharply and turned to him.

"Is there a specific question you're having Ed?"

He shook his head, "no. Why would I? It's none of my business." I nodded and went to fetch a bottle of water. "Except, that i smelled blood that day." 

He was suddenly behind me. I flinched and turned around to face him. His hand moved up to my collar. I grabbed his arm to stop. He did but pulled at my arm and rose up the sleeves. He hissed. The purple and red coloring of the bruise had dulled a lot since that day now blue green and in some sporadic placements a little yellow. He pulled the collar in my distraction on his anger. His eyes immediately spotting the punctured bite on my neck that was also still healing. 

"He bit you!" Edward growled.

"He's not venomous." I said moving away his hands.



"This isn't a joke! What if he killed you!"

"Are you kidding me. Simon would never hurt me."

Edward swallowed back some words and clutched the edge of the sink trying hard to control himself. I sighed and carefully approached him. "Don't touch me." He growled, "i don't want to hurt you."

I set a hand on his back and arm. He flinched and clutched the sink tighter until it creaked under his grip, "... hey come on, don't break my sink. It was my choice..."

"That's the problem! Look at you." His eyes traveled down to my legs that had some but definitely smaller amounts of bruising. "You put yourself in danger carelessly. I thought i wouldn't have to worry about something like this from you."

I sighed. My frustrated response to his anger wasn't going to help anything. I don't like fighting with Edward. He never fails to make me feel bad. I cleared my throat and put on my best impression of my mother, "Desculpa me, mijo."

He growled, "Don't."

"Pobrecito Edwardito, no te preocupes," i rubbed his back. He moved away from me.

"Isabella you can't just apologize and expect me to forgive you!"

"Estoy bien, mi querido chiquitin."

He laughed despite himself and quickly schooled his face back into a scowl, "You're incorrigible. I hate that I can't stay mad at you."

"Trust me I feel the same way whenever you do something stupid."

He snorted, "you're forgiven... Simon isn't."

I rolled my eyes and hit him, "alright, take me to school Cullen. If you're gonna break something while throwing a tantrum it's going to be your car not my house."

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