Chapter 66

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It was strange having to witness it like this. I guess the years alone with just the Cullens outside of the story made me forget a bit about how awfully the story progresses. I felt bad. As if I did something wrong. Which was a shitty feeling to have at the moment when I finally felt like something was right.

Why should Jacob go through this? I didn't expect the look on his face to be... painful to watch.  And didn't expect to feel so much awfulness about it. Besides familiarity there is no reason for me to feel so strongly about this.

"Edward, Rose... can you give me and my friends a minute?" I asked. 

Edward and I stared at each other a bit. I remembered our playful teasing over in Isle Esme. The way the sun felt upon my skin. The way my skin felt against his. The way I'd kiss him, hold him, love him. 

The way I lied.

Edward's head turned outside and he nodded. "Of course, take your time. Come on, Rose." Rosalie jutted out her jaw as if she was ready to retort. "Grace is here in case anything happens."

Then i barely noticed but Edward said something so quietly with barely any movement of his lips that if I wasn't staring at him I wouldn't have been able to tell. I look down at the notebook in my hand while Rosalie agreed. And they both walked out.

I wrote down: Charms.

Augustus slowly started walking around the room as Grace sighed.

"You'd think he'd be over it already? It's not like you gave him the light of day. So why is his panties in a twist?" She asked not really caring but trying her best to fill the silence.

"I think it might be his realization that he's never going to get his chance at Bella... you know the saying... you regret what you don't do," I muttered.

"Look at you with your words of wisdom. I knew you could be an adult if you tried hard enough," Grace leaped onto the couch and sat with me. I hissed a bit and she laughed. "Sorry girl. I forget."

Augie laughed, walking to the second wall to set up the second charm, "she looked like a bloated zombie... and you forget?"

"It's not like her health condition is effecting the rest of her. If I don't look at her then it's like there's nothing wrong at all!" 

Augie tapped his foot impatiently setting up the third charm, "is that what you've been doing? Not looking at her?"

Grace smiles at me, "I don't mean it like that. Listen, Iz doesn't like being treated like she's delicate—"

"Accurate." I muttered and started to write some more.

"She is delicate!" Augie argued.

"— so for her sake... I try to ignore the killer baby from the sack de Ed."

"Don't insult the child," I sighed. 

"Sorry, little nameless one from the sack de Ed," she amended.

Augie moved the tiny dresser again and stuck the charm on it. Grace pointed at it. I mouthed the word magic. I tore the page I wrote and folded it before Grace could peek at it. 

"All good?" I asked just to be sure. Augie sat on the floor in front of me. 

Grace exhaled relieved that she didn't have to keep making up conversations from the top of her head. It was funny to me how much her idea of casual conversation equaled sounding like Augie.

"Yeah, what did you want us for? Whatever it was it better not be any bullshit that might get us in trouble with Ed and Rose out there cuz you weren't exactly subtle," Augie said and Grace nodded in agreement.

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