Chapter 135 Welcome

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Wei Ying was playing with the bunnies, when Lan Zhan found him. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say the bunnies were playing with him, because he was lying down among a blanket of soft, furry things huddling for warmth.

And given his penchant for falling asleep anywhere and at anytime, he was resting in deep slumber, when Lan Zhan sat down beside him. One long finger reached out and touched his cheek, like testing the softness of dough after the first rising.

Wei Ying smiled but kept his eyes shut.

"You are not asleep."

The deep voice made him shiver. And he screwed up his eyes even tighter. His hand reached out to clasp his husband's, bringing their joined hands to his lips.


Wei Ying whined and hid his eyes under his elbow.

"There is a surprise for you...if Wei Ying is a good boy."

The arm returned to his side, and one silver eye opened.

"What kind of surprise?" He mumbled, keeping that keen eye on his man.

"A good one." Lan Zhan replied, enigmatically.

"But Lan Zhan...I can’t do it for free, you know." His beautiful lips were smiling against his will.

"And what would Wei Ying like, for payment?" Lan Zhan loved this playful side of him.

"Hmmm....what would count as sufficient payment?" Wei Ying pretended to think. "If I have to sit up, that's one, and if I have to stand up, that's two, and walking..." He mock shuddered. "That's a no can do." He pretended to fall asleep again, even making exaggerated snoring noises.

Lan Zhan bent down, his face so close to the naughty man, he was sure Wei Ying knew.

The wonderful fragrance of sandalwood drifted into his nose and Wei Ying had a hard time stifling his giggle, but he bit his lip to prevent any sound coming out.

Lan Zhan gave in to the ever present desire to kiss this wonderful man, wondering if it had now become a gut reaction, when it was all he wanted to do. To be able to kiss him whenever his eyes rested upon him.

Wei Ying kissed him back with an ardour that only seemed to become stronger as the days passed, as if his body wished to make up for their lost years apart. His arms wound their way around his neck, holding this precious man close to his heart.

When Wei Ying was let go of, he whined and nuzzled ever closer, keeping his arms around the other man.

Lan Zhan had no choice but to pick him up, keeping him in his arms.

"Wait!" Wei Ying commanded, terribly upset.


"You can't take me anywhere just yet."

"Why not?" Lan Zhan dutifully laid him down again. "We will be late."

That was the wrong thing to say, because silver eyes winked dangerously, as a new plan came to light.

If Lan Zhan was in a hurry, then the price just went up.

Demand and supply.

Simple economics.

"I need at least five of those. Otherwise, I'm not moving." Defiance shone brightly.

"Not moving?" Lan Zhan raised a brow.

Wei Ying closed his eyes again, with a deep harrumph.

Lan Zhan sighed.

There were ways to make Wei Ying do what he wanted...and he knew them well.

WangXian Forever 6Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora