Chapter 65 Roots

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Hui Gai: Balken

Hui Gai stared at the shape shifter, wondering if he could really trust anything he said.

After all, they were practically strangers, and what if he had ulterior motives? It was fifty fifty right now, but why should he trust him? Especially when it could be the difference between having a knife stuck in his back for his troubles? Well, metaphorically because his scales were knife proof, but the sentiment was there.

Really, there was only one person he did trust, and right now, he wanted to make his way back to him as soon as possible. Pengyou would be worried by now...

Technically, there was nothing stopping him right now...except his curiosity. And while he was excited to try out his powers here in this place that seemed to welcome him on an entirely new level, and he didn't doubt that teleporting would not be a problem at all, he wondered if he was being overly cautious.

What harm would it do to hear him out? What if he was telling the truth? And he did know?

All this dithering was making him impatient. He had to make a choice, and do it now.

The best thing to do should be to hear him out. And then, he could make an informed decision.

"Alright. Say if I believe you, what do you know?"

"My lord, I would never lie to you. Until I saw you today, I had no loyalty towards anyone, but I will swear it to you now." Lor bent down on one knee.

But Hui Gai didn't want any of that.

"Look here, save it. I've still not decided about you, but for now...I'm going to trust you." His red eyes gleamed brighter.

"You will believe this." Lor said vehemently. "I will show you, I have proof."

"Go ahead." Hui Gai studied his nails nonchalantly.

"Your real name is Diyu WangZi." He looked around as if expecting something.

Hui Gai looked around too.


"I think you have to say it. It doesn’t work if I do it." Lor stared back, a stubborn glint in his eyes.

"What, just say Diyu WangZi?"

But the moment those words left his lips, it was as if the whole world shuddered in reverence towards him. The forest visibly sighed, and for a few seconds, there was just pindrop silence. As if this world was making space for him, ready to accommodate his presence.

And the change within Hui Gai was invisible on the outside,  but inside his body, his energy was pulsing at an alarming rate, and he could definitely feel his body growing now. Lor was looking at his horns, and Hui Gai felt self conscious enough to put out his hand and feel them, even the broken one, the one he had been a little bit sensitive about.

And now, when he touched it, it felt if this land was curing him. He felt powerful, invincible and a different kind of excitement was thrusting through his body.

"Okay, tell me what you know." Even his voice sounded deeper, more commanding.

It was kind of cool...if he stopped to think about it.

"Your father, the real King of the Underworld, or the Nether world as it is also known, was a wonderful leader. His name was YanLou...please forgive me for saying his name to you, his son. But my lord...I do have a question for you, if it is permitted?"

"What is it?" Hui Gai asked openly.

"Did you...were you...why are you alone? Where is your brother?"

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