Chapter 55 Kindness

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Yezi + Chihong +Xinghong: Gratak

Yezi watched the older lady turn the fishes inside the pan, oil sizzling and making her mouth water. She was used to being hungry, especially when they had missions to complete. One could not forsake their duty just to fill an empty stomach.

She noticed Chihong pass something to woman who smiled and tucked the earwig deep inside her ear. When she caught her eye, she showed her how surprised she was.

"What? It just makes life easier!" Chihong replied, flustered.

"Besides, they're everywhere. It's only a matter of taking what you need." Xinghong added.

"It's fine, my dear." The old woman replied, patting her knee.

"What's your name?" Yezi asked her.

"Manu." She replied, sweetly. "You must be hungry. I often make more food than I need, and there are always hungry mouths who arrive just in time." She grabbed three huge palm leaves and placed one fish on each one, handing them out.

Yezi waited for her to get up and go to get more food, but the woman stayed where she was, contentedly stoking the fire.

Quietly, she waited for the fish to cool before splitting it in half and pushing the the plate back towards Manu, who paused before accepting it gratefully.

Yezi kept her face down, feeling the flush of having too many eyes staring at her.

"So where have you come from, and what brings you to Gratak?" Manu asked, softly.

Yezi could feel her companions stiffening at the innocent questions, because they were innocent...she could detect no underlying reason, no ulterior motive in asking, so she decided to take a chance.

"We're looking for someone." She admitted.

Sounds of disbelief and muted fury came from the sisters, and Yezi was kicked hard discreetly.

She edged away slightly, rubbing her shin.

"Whaaat?! My Shidi says we must trust the Universe. I am only following his example." She defended herself.

"Fast track way to getting yourself killed." Chihong whispered back angrily. "If you can please try to keep our intentions a secret, that would be the best help you can give!"

"What do you expect from a tree hugger?" Xinghong whispered back.

Yezi felt terribly alone then, and wished for her sister's presence more than anything right now. It wasn't fair that they were ganging up on her, and overall, they treated her as something to be tolerated rather than included as part of the team. And now they were making her regret her impulsive thoughts...what if she had ruined the whole mission by giving away too much the wrong party?

She chanced another look at Manu, looking for any trace of dishonesty, her finger caressing the hidden blade in her boots, but she found none. Just a sweet smile as Manu found her looking.

"Do you mean foreigners?" Manu asked, looking puzzled.

In for a penny, in for a pound, Yezi thought, and jumped right in again.

"Yes. They're not demons."

Chihong let out a stream of colourful language, under her breath, while Xinghong shoved her, trying to get her to please shut up.

"I might know someone..." Now Manu looked around cautiously before continuing. "We can go at first light. Too dangerous to leave now. Many eyes." She finished, tapping her nose lightly. Yezi looked around, half expecting monsters to come out of the shadows already.

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