Chapter 4 Indecision

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Lan Zhan went back to the Jingshi. Cold and desolate it appeared, without its other occupant there. He hurried towards the stand where both their swords stood.

He closed his eyes and touched both weapons, which began to tremble at the contact, and in his mind, he began to see the path that Wei Ying had taken. He was still in Cloud Recesses....


Wei Ying had stumbled out of the room, his mind trying to process what Uncle had told him. It explained everything, from the time he had first arrived in Cloud Recesses, and Uncle's attitude to Wei Ying after learning who his parents were, to trying to keep him away from Lan Zhan later. All this time, he had wondered what had made the old man hate him...but now it was such a relief to find that, that wasn't it at all.

Uncle Qiren was a frightened man who had been, and still was, trying to protect his family.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Even now, he was trying to reverse what was definitely the inevitable. Who knew better than Wei Ying, of all the things that couldn't be prevented?

He had begged, begged him to break the Soul Bond.

Wei Ying burst into fresh tears.

Warm hands, a warm body gathered him close, holding his head and one arm wrapped around his waist. The beloved scent of sandalwood wafted through his nose, offering comfort like no other.

"Wei Ying is cold." The deep voice gently admonishing.

Another layer was added to his clothes and he was picked up. Wei Ying closed his eyes, tears still leaking from the corners. His arms went naturally around the Jade's neck, holding him closer.

Lan Zhan waited until they got home. He went straight to the bed even though it was early, quickly sending a butterfly to his brother telling him he had found Wei Ying.

He made Wei Ying drink a cup of water first.

Then he took off the extra layers from his husband and himself, and lay down in the bed, still holding him close. It worried him that Wei Ying was this unnaturally silent, more than the wet patch of cloth on his chest, signifying that Wei Ying was still crying.

His heart broke a little more at that.

"Wei Ying?" His voice was low, soft, set to soothe.

"I'm sorry I didn't return." Wei Ying tried to clear his throat, clogged up from unshed tears.

"No matter." Lan Zhan kissed his forehead, softly.

"I'm sorry for worrying you."

"It is alright. Wei Ying is safe." He continued to pat his back, a soothing sensation that spread calmness through both of them.

"Why is Wei Ying upset? What did my uncle say?" The words were barely more than a whisper, but Wei Ying could hear the steeled threat hiding behind them.

He sighed quietly.

"It's not his fault."

"Yes. It is."

"Lan Zhan...wait. Wait until you hear what he has to say." Wei Ying told him about Demon in the North and the secret mission Uncle Qiren and their parents had gone through.

"So all that time ago, when I had attended the lectures as a teenager...Uncle Qiren didn't hate me then, either." Wei Ying mumbled.

Lan Zhan snorted under his breath.

"It is no excuse. Bad karma is bad karma."

"I know, but Lan Zhan, doesn't the intention behind the actions mean anything? Uncle didn't want to cause more suffering...if not anything else, he wanted to protect you, his family and his clan. I...I can understand that, at least." He sniffed. "So right now...he wanted me to break-"

Lan Zhan flipped them over so fast, fastening his mouth to Wei Ying's, there was no time to catch a breath. Hearts pounded next to each other, obliterating any sane thoughts as reason fled. When he sensed that Wei Ying needed to take another breath, Lan Zhan began his slow affections on his neck, sucking and biting, eliciting all manner of noises from his husband.

And then, he stopped.

Silver eyes clashed with just as determined golden ones. To answer the unspoken question lurking within their depths, Lan Zhan smiled sinfully.

Wei Ying whined, protesting at the look in his eyes.

"I will not continue until you make a promise. Wei Ying must vow."

"What vow?" He asked, sulking. He pouted unconsciously, closing his eyes and missing the absolute adoration in his partner's face.

"Wei Ying must not say those words, Wei Ying must not think those words. Am I clear?"

Wei Ying shivered at the commanding tone.

But he couldn't resist saying his next words.

"But Lan Zhan..." he fluttered his eyelashes, knowing the effect this would have on his husband. "I kind of have to, if you want me to make the vow in the first place. Irony sucks..." he sniggered.

Lan Zhan bit him.

"Ow. Hurts..." Wei Ying waited for the usually hot tongue to assuage the pain, but when it did not come, he opened his eyes. "Lan Zhaaan! Come on!"

Lan Zhan smirked.

"Please! Please! It's your duty! As my husband!" He tried kicking his legs but Lan Zhan sat back fully on them so he couldn't move.

"Not fair..." he whined.

"No. It is not fair, but worse than that, is my husband, my Wei Ying..."

He did not continue, and Wei Ying opened his eyes to see tears falling from his eyes. He sat up immediately, and wiped them away.

"Please don't cry. I am so sorry. I will promise whatever you want." The words came out in a rush, his haste fuelled by the tears falling faster. "Lan Zhan!" He threw his arms around the weeping man. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!"

"Then promise. Right now." Lan Zhan leaned back, his eyes red and puffy.

He took Wei Ying's hand, the one with both the rings sitting rightfully on his third finger. The Jade ring glowed next to the red stoned and green, side by side.

"Say after me." He waited until Wei Ying looked at him.

"I will never put anything before us. I will never make decisions alone, about us. I love you."

Wei Ying repeated his words, enthralled by...everything. His deep voice sending shivers down his spine, the intensity blazing forth from his golden eyes, searching his silver ones for sincerity, his warm hands holding his. Somewhere in the safest place of his heart, he knew he would remember this promise for the rest of his, for all eternity.

Wei Ying held up their hands and kissed the rings, watching Lan Zhan through hooded eyes. And then, in the hottest move ever, Lan Zhan brought their joined hands together and kissed the rings exactly where Wei Ying had put his mouth.

"I swear to Heaven and all that is holy, if you do not take me now-" He began to say, but Lan Zhan was way ahead of him, silencing him with his clever mouth.

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