Chapter 12 Baby

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Hui Gai was agitated. This was still a fairly new emotion for him and he wasn't used to it. It made his blood swim, little tingles appearing where usually there was nothing...and it meant something.

Only thing was, he couldn't pinpoint where or what was causing it. He checked on Li XiWang first and she was busy with her lesson, the teacher somehow managing to make chemistry boring. Hui Gai grinned and left after watching the little girl doodle next to complicated formulas and in depth experiments.

It wasn't Master Wei either, because he was playing with the bunnies and his husband. In that order.

So what was it?

He teleported into the forests outside Cloud Recesses, and the feeling only got stronger. He searched and searched, but found nothing. The difference was in some places, his heart started beating faster, and others, it returned to normal...and this gave him an idea.

He sat down on the ground and closed his eyes. Slowly, he began to block out each feeling, first examining it to make sure it wasn't useful. He ignored the pleasant singing birds, chirping their morning melodies, the whisper of the soft breezes rustling through dry leaves, the taste of winter in each one of his breaths, the smell of the earthy soil preparing to rest through the colder season. His heightened senses allowed him to hear the earthworms burrowing deeper below his body, and countless other insects going about their daily business.

And then...there it was.

A soft cry.

Hui Gai concentrated all of his attention, waiting for the second he heard it again.


He teleported right next to the sound, and fell down, so surprised was he.

It was a baby.

A demon baby, because it looked exactly like him. Complete with beautiful black scales and big red eyes, tearfully looking at him now. There was a cloth wrapped around it's lower section, one that left a gap for it's tail. A cute little spade at the end that the baby reached for, upon seeing him.

Hui Gai sat down first, close but in a non threatening kind of way.

"Are you lost?" He asked, gently.

It looked blankly at him.

"You must have a mother...right? Who left you here?" He mused out loud, looking around.

The baby, frightened, looked around too, whimpering. Hui Gai realised he'd have to be more careful about his actions, if the child copied him.

"What's your name?" He asked, keeping his voice as soft as possible, in order not to frighten it any more.

It just looked at him blankly, the tears pooling in it's big eyes.

What would Pengyou do in this situation? He wondered.

But the choice was taken out of his hands when something huge and powerful roared nearby. The baby and Hui Gai reached for each other at the same time, when the foliage parted and some weird looking creature flew out, ready to attack.

Hui Gai reacted without thinking, his palm out, disintegrating the threat just seconds before it's claws could scratch the baby's back, his other arm secured around the tiny body.

Nothing was left except a pile of ash, still smoking.

Hui Gai wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Now...what are we going to do with you?" He asked the child.

It looked up at him, just as clueless.

The only person he could think of was his friend. He teleported inside the Jingshi, to find a lone Li XiWang sitting by the table doing her homework. She looked up at him, and then stood up too quickly.

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