Chapter 122 Remedies

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The breeze was still cool even though spring was on its way. Tiny buds blossoming on the slowly growing greenery greeted them as they set foot outside of the Jingshi.

Hand in hand, they walked towards the infirmary.

"I had rather hoped that Tiaopi De Long and Zai Shu Xia would have woken up on their own." Wei Ying sighed.

Lan Zhan stopped walking and turned to face him. He knew something was wrong with the way Wei Ying had sighed.


Wei Ying took one look at him and knew what he was asking.

"It's just that we're probably going to have to wake them up by force now. It's been months since we rescued them..."


"Well, it's the afterwards of all that. I can see Li XiWang already being stressed out about it. And to be honest, I'm not doing so great, either." He was pulled into a warm embrace.

His head was tucked under a chin, held with strong, loving arms.

"You know, they'll probably want to take her away. And I don't think I can let her go." He sniffed.

"We will not let them." Lan Zhan told him firmly. "We will tell them about our family." He sounded so sure, and it made Wei Ying feel better immediately.

"You're right. You're right."

It sounded to Lan Zhan as if he was trying to convince himself more than anything else.

"Plus Li XiWang is not merely or only their daughter. Not only is she ours, for longer than she stayed with them, but there is also the Bai Hua connection." Lan Zhan added.

"In an ideal world, they would be awake already and happy with whatever Li XiWang decides. I mean...I know we don't really get a say, not when it comes to her happiness. I know it will hurt, if she says she'd rather go with them...that's totally a possibility." He choked back a sob.

Lan Zhan kissed his hair, holding him tighter.

"However painful it is, we can get through it together." But even his voice came out hoarse.

"Yeah...together." He wiped his face, but Lan Zhan wouldn't let him, wiping his eyes with his huge sleeves.

He kissed each hot eyelid, pausing until he felt Wei Ying calm.

"We will be okay. Our daughter will be okay, too." If he kept repeating it, it would come true.

"Come." Lan Zhan led him onwards to the infirmary.

Not a believer in wasting time denying the inevitable, Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan walking along so courageously.

"You're so Lan Zhan." Wei Ying smiled brightly at him.

"I have been through the worst pain imaginable. I can take anything now...except that." He didn't stop walking.

At least he was talking about it now, instead of bottling it up, leaving it to fester.

Their lives had been a mix of highs and lows, but if he had to balance them out, Wei Ying thought he could perhaps tip the scales more towards the happy times. Sure, the worst times had been really bad, but the good times were even

Yes, I am thankful Wei Ying is alive everyday. And I am alive too, and that we two are together. Lan Zhan said through their mental connection.

Just that was immensely relieving.

Wei Ying tugged on the hand entwining their fingers, and Lan Zhan paused, looking back. Wei Ying came to him then, and held his face tenderly. He leaned up and kissed him deeply, showing him how much he loved him. When they broke apart, Wei Ying gave him the most brilliant smile, and Lan Zhan felt warmer immediately, his own lips turning up in a silent answer.

"Me, too. I love you so much."

"Mn. Love Wei Ying."

They entered the infirmary.

Healer Fei came to greet them. Wei Ying was filled with memories of his time in and out of the place, and the countless terrible concoctions he had been forced to drink, in the name of good health. Now that he had created the magical best talisman ever, nobody would ever have to suffer foul tasting medicine again.

Behind the screen, they could see the two prone bodies of the Seventh Dragon King, Tiaopi De Long and his soul Bonded Zai Shu Xia, both lying next to each other on twin beds pushed together.

Li XiWang was sitting on a chair, watching them silently.

"How are they?" Wei Ying asked.

"Much the same as when they first arrived. Mostly because the horrific trauma that the King suffered, as a direct result of his torture, plus his soul bond had to witness everything first hand. Although, I must say, the ointment that was applied had mostly healed the outer damage. We have only to worry about their internal damage." Healer Fei stroked his beard, deep in thought.

"Do you think we could rouse them much like before, when Hui Gai entered Li XiWang's mind to wake her up...could it work for both of them?" Wei Ying suggested.

"At this point, I am willing to try anything, no matter how outlandish it may seem. And you trust your friend, that is so, correct?" Healer Fei looked at Lan Zhan for confirmation.

"Yes, that is true. We both value his friendship." Lan Zhan replied.

"He is trustworthy. At least until they don't keep her happy. He gets upset should they say anything our daughter doesn't like." Wei Ying added.

"Then I don't see anything wrong with asking for his help. It has been too long, and I am worried about how long we can keep them like this indefinitely."

"I'd like to speak with our daughter before we call upon him." Wei Ying said, looking through the screen.

Lan Zhan squeezed his hand and they walked past it to reach their daughter.

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