Chapter 142 Choices

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Daden Yaonu was waiting for Li XiWang outside the school room, with Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. When she and Rumi came out, Li XiWang was surprised to see her there. She hugged her aunt, laughing when Rumi also copied her, surprising her aunt too, who ended up kissing his cheek.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you." She told the little girl.

"Okay." Li XiWang happily went over to her, holding her hand.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan took Rumi, walking towards the Jingshi.

Daden Yaonu walked with her niece to the moon tree, which happened to be empty of people today. They sat on the bench, and Daden Yaonu turned to her.

"You know, my darling, we have stayed a long time." She held open her arms. "I think it's unfair to keep the brothers separated for so long, don't you think so?"

Li XiWang held on tightly, her sharp mind already having guessed what her aunt wanted to say. She nodded, her throat too thick to speak.

"I have an idea, if your parents don't mind..." Daden Yaonu laughed. "Both sets."

"What is it?" Li XiWang whispered, her voice full of tears.

"I'm so proud of you, you know. You've been so brave throughout all of this, coping so well even though it's so hard for you. I want you to know, no matter what happens in our lives, our doors are always open for you, and my arms especially. I love you so very much."

Li XiWang wanted to say something, but now the tears did fall.

"How about we all go? You could do with a holiday, and I'm sure everyone will appreciate the change in scenery." Daden Yaonu hugged her tightly. "That way, it will not seem so hard to say goodbye. Don't you think so?"

Li XiWang nodded.

They sat quietly, enjoying the peace and the solitude of the tree, as if softly blessing them with a calm, sweet fragrance.

Later they sauntered to the Great Hall, where XiChen and Jiang Cheng were waiting.

Tiaopi De Long and Zai Shu Xia also arrived and then Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were sent for. Uncle Qiren and some of the Elders were already present.

"As you know, my brother and his consort have stayed here for long enough, enjoying your kind hospitality. But we feel as though half of our hearts are living in the sea, the rest of our family will want to welcome them back too." Daden De Long announced.

"It has been ten years since they met, and that was under very different circumstances. Now, may joy be the resounding factor in their return. To that end, we have a proposal for you." Daden Yaonu said, addressing everyone. "If you agree, we would very much like some company on our way back. How about if you come with us to the seaside? The sea air is nourishing and good for the heart. And then, perhaps parting will not be as painful."

"A holiday!" Wei Ying rubbed his hands with glee. "Shall we go with them, my love?" He turned to Lan Zhan, who was also happy; the smile was more in his eyes than on his face. "We can have more family moments... And Li XiWang will be able to spend some more time with her parents."

"I would like to give our daughter a gift, if she would like it." Zai Shu Xia said, but enigmatically did not add anything more.

She caught Wei Ying's eye and winked at him. He felt much better after that, especially because she had said 'our' instead of 'my' when speaking about Li XiWang.

"When are you thinking of leaving?" XiChen asked.

"By the next full moon, if that is acceptable to you." Daden De Long replied.

He had stayed near his little brother, sitting near him and hovering when not, as if he was afraid Tiaopi De Long would disappear.

Wei Ying thought it must have been so difficult for them to actually believe he was safe and really and truly here. Some hurts took time to heal fully. He looked at Lan Zhan, who always seemed to be looking at him, and realised that, that was probably why. For sixteen years he had mourned Wei Ying, and now that he was here, really here, he would not waste a second. But now, it was as if he needed the proof constantly, either in always touching him, or looking at him, needing to know he was real.

Perhaps in that, Wei Ying could certainly help him out a bit more. He smiled, that blinding one that made Lan Zhan forget his own name, and left him floundering. Naughty Wei Ying would have to be asked about that later on.

"If we go by sword or flying, since most of us can," Wei Ying winked at his husband, "then, I don't see why we can't all go. How about it, XiChen-Ge? Cheng Cheng? You up for it?"

They looked happy to be asked, and agreed.

"What about SiZhui and Jin Ling?" Wei Ying added more people to the growing list. "And if we buy more of those pearl things, you can join us in the water. I bet Shui will be happy to see us! This is such a great idea."

So plans were made to leave in roughly seven days, when the next full moon was due.

"I know you wish to stay here with this family." Zai Shu Xia told Li XiWang. "So if you aren't afraid anymore that we're going to take you away, would you like to spend more time with me? Just the two of us."

Li XiWang nodded happily. She whispered something in her mother's ear, and whatever it was, brought tears to her eyes.

"Yes, you may...but you should ask your parents first. Only if they don't mind."

Li XiWang bowed.

Wei Ying looked at her and she mouthed, "later" to him.

Wei Ying was happy that she was happy, and he nodded in agreement, wondering what she wanted.

"There is something else..." Zai Shu Xia was saying. "Our Master...who now calls himself Dashi...what is to become of him? He really has lost his mind. Your healers have kept him sedated for so long, we know it was for his own safety."

"That's because he kept trying to fly." Wei Ying told them. "It's not exactly ideal in a mountainous area..."

"Yeah, the worst idea." Jiang Cheng agreed. "Do you want to take him with you?"

"My sisters were asking if they could. After all, the Flowers of Venus are more connected to him than just me. They should be the ones to decide." Zai Shu Xia replied.

"If Hongse agrees to look after him, they could bring him to the seaside as well." Wei Ying suggested.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Cheng whisper shouted. "You may as well take all of Gusu with you...!"

"I just thought it would be a nice thing to do for him. That's all." Wei Ying looked deflated.

There was no way Lan Zhan was having that.

"Mn. It is a good idea. Sea air is beneficial to all." He glared at Jiang Cheng, daring him to disagree.

Jiang Cheng threw his arms in the air and scowled, while Wei Ying reached up and kissed Lan Zhan's cheek.

"Thank you, my love."

"Will always support Wei Ying."

Wei Ying stuck his tongue out at his younger brother, who stomped out.

XiChen frowned at both his brother and brother in bond.

"He'll be fine, XiChen-Ge." Wei Ying grinned mischievously.

He took Lan Zhan's hand in his, threading his fingers through the gaps. Rumi, who was watching this with interest, managed to sneak his hand in the middle, and then Li XiWang did the same.

"Together." She whispered.

"Together." They repeated.

It was a promise.

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