Chapter 45 Guests

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Hongse marched up to the white pillars of Cloud Recesses, excited and looking forward to getting things underway.

Zewu-Jun was waiting for her, and the three other trusted sisters arriving with her. After they bowed in greeting to each other, they walked to the Great Hall together.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were already there, with Daden Yaonu and Daden De Long, and introductions were made.

"The Seventh Dragon King is their youngest brother." Wei Ying explained, smiling. "And Zai Shu Xia is her friend and sister."

"We are hoping we will be able to find our Master too." Hongse added. "He disappeared following clues to find our sister, and Senior Wei says she and Tiaopi De Long were Soul Bonded. So it stands to reason that the three of them might be close to each other."

"And don't forget, Nie Huaisang is there somewhere too." Wei Ying tapped his nose, thinking, as another plan began to form in his mind.

There was a commotion just outside the doors of the hall, before they were thrown open, and Yezi barged in.

She was followed by a distraught looking Zhitiao and a worried JingYi, who shrugged helplessly when Wei Ying threw him a questioning look.

"Shouting is forbidden in Cloud Recesses." Lan Zhan said, sternly.

"I'm sorry for causing a disturbance." Yezi bowed, and the other two copied her. "But I wish to accompany you. I swore an oath to find my sister, and I will help."

"Shidi, please, talk some sense into her!" Zhitiao was rubbing at her face, trying to get rid of angry tears.

"First, please calm down." Wei Ying poured water into cups for both of them.

Yezi was still trembling from her emotions, and Zhitiao kept looking at her.

"Deep breaths." Wei Ying said, realising it was going to be difficult talking to both of them.

They did as he asked, and when he thought they were both sufficiently calm, he asked them to explain.

"Zhitiao doesn't want me to go, and I told her it was fine if she wanted to stay here, with her boyfriend, but out of the two of us, it's only fair if at least one of us goes. That's all." Yezi finished, with a stubborn tilt of her chin. "I swore an oath. No takesie backsies."

"And I told her, I've only just got her back! It's dangerous...I...I...can't lose her again." Zhitiao burst into tears.

Wei Ying pushed JingYi towards her while simultaneously patting her back.

"Let's talk about this rationally." He suggested.

"I want to go." Yezi declared, rolling her eyes.

"It's not a walk in the park." Wei Ying said. "You should know that it's going to be dangerous. In fact, this goes for everyone here. It will be dangerous, there's even a chance that we might not make it back here safely. Please think this through, before we go further. We have no idea what to expect, except definite hostility. Most likely fighting, but, if we do manage to find our loved ones, then we have to do our best to get them out of there. That's the bottom line."

There were murmurs of agreement.

The doors opened again, and this time it was SiZhui and Jin Ling who entered, looking all around, until SiZhui found Lan Zhan. He walked towards him, holding a reluctant Jin Ling with him.

"What's going on, father?" He asked.

"Actually, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to show your skill as sect leader, and future sect leader." Wei Ying said, joining them. "One sister wants to come with us, one sister does not want her to go. We are at an impasse, because both arguments are right, so who do we listen to?"

"Alright. Forgive us for not being here sooner. Please tell us why you should go." Jin Ling addressed Yezi.

Wei Ying stood by Lan Zhan, feeling incredibly proud of his children. Lan Zhan found his hand and held on, threading their fingers together. Wei Ying held up their joined hands and kissed his hand, enjoying the darkening of amber eyes.
Later, he mouthed, grinning mischievously.

Determination replaced the sudden flare of desire and Wei Ying had a hard time swallowing after that. Judging by that look, he was going to be punished later...

"When I found out about our situation, and the fact that Li XiWang is our sister, Zai Shu Xia's daughter, I spoke a solemn oath to bring her back. We both did. I wish to honour that promise by doing the best I can to make it happen. And I'm not afraid." She threw an irritated look at her sister.

Zhitiao was having a hard time controlling her tears, but she took a deep breath.

"You're my sister. In all the ways, more than the others are. We were born together, we've been through thick and thin together. How can you expect me to let you go so easily?"

"It's not easy." Yezi replied, softly. "I know it's hard for you, and trust me when I say it's hard for me too. I don't want to leave you. But one of us must make the effort. I cannot sit still, here, waiting and doing nothing. It's not fair, and it's not fair of you to ask me to stay, either. Please understand." She tenderly wiped away the remaining tears on her sister's face and hugged her. "If you love me as you say you do, you will let me go, because you will have understood that I need to do this. It's not only duty, it's repentance."

Everyone was silent after that.

"So," Wei Ying said, after a while. "What would you two say is the right course of action?"

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