Chapter 92 Absent

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Cloud Recesses

It was still early October and bright sunshine had cast shadows long into the afternoon, despite the biting wind.

Jiang Cheng watched as XiChen took a good long whiff outside. He looked down and smiled at little Li Li, who burrowed into his chest, desperate to flee the cold air even in her sleep. Her cheeks were delightfully pinker, her cute tiny button nose twitching as she tried to stay asleep. XiChen turned her slightly so his arms shielded her from the bitter cold.

"It's going to snow." He murmured.

"How can you tell?" Jiang Cheng scoffed, one side of his lips in an upturned smirk.

"I think I've lived here long enough to be able to predict the first snow, even if it's going to be early." XiChen smiled back at the expression on his husband's face. "Care to make a gentleman's wager?"

Jiang Cheng stood in front of him, protecting both from the chill. He cupped the too handsome man's face and leaned in to kiss those beautiful lips currently smiling up at him. Some smiles were private, were just for him, and he loved that about them. Love was present in the smallest of touches, here and there, the consideration naturally occurring when one put themselves in their loved one's shoes.

"Gambling is prohibited in Cloud Recesses." Jiang Cheng gave his answer, smirking. It wasn’t often that he could quote the famous Lan Clan rules back to a native.

"Not for money..." XiChen blushed.

Of course this alerted the sharp man dressed in purple.

Xichen wouldn't blush for nothing. He was having naughty least, naughty for him.

"Then what?" He slid a finger under his husband's chin, raising the beautiful face up so he could look into honey coloured eyes. "You know, you can tell me anything." His voice was quiet, full of unspoken promises.

"Five kisses. No holds barred. When Li Li is asleep." XiChen closed his eyes, and Jiang Cheng smiled, delighting in this shyness that never seemed to leave entirely.

He found it quite endearing. Much like the whole package. He leaned in again, this time to press cold lips to warm eyelids.

"Alright." He agreed, amicably.

Xichen’s eyes snapped open immediately. There was definitely something predatory about that smile.

"And... What. Will. You. Give. Me. If. It. Doesn't. Snow?" Jiang Cheng enunciated every syllable in his deep voice, his amethyst eyes burning with a dormant fire.

XiChen shivered helplessly.

He was just about to give his answer, when a familiar voice interrupted his concentration.

"Let's take him in there. The healers will know what to do and I'm sure Bai Hua will turn up if they get it wrong." Li XiWang was guiding Hui Gai towards the healers quarters, oblivious to their presence.

"Li XiWang? What's going on?" XiChen asked her, moving towards them.

"This Seventh Dragon King, Tiaopi De Long. He's badly injured, and my fathers want me to make sure he's going to be alright." She explained, her large burgundy eyes tired with fatigue.

"Why did you disappear like that?" Jiang Cheng asked. "Do you know how worried we were? What kind of face would we be left with if we had to explain to your parents that we didn't know where you were? Did you think about that at all?"

XiChen put a calming hand on his arm, even as her eyes filled with tears.

Hui Gai stood in front of her, holding her close with his spare hand.

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