Chapter 128 Joys

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XiChen and Jiang Cheng went to the gates of Cloud Recesses to welcome Daden Yaonu and Daden De Long into their home.

"Forgive our impatience, Sect Leader Zewu-Jun. It has been too long for us not to have seen our brother." Daden De Long apologised.

"That is quite understandable." XiChen replied with a warm smile. "We were going to send messages as soon as they were conscious. How did you know to come?" He slipped that question in, masking it through innocence.

Jiang Cheng was giving him cow eyes and if XiChen was honest, the extra attention was making him jumpy.

"We Seven brothers are connected by blood, but it extends to our consorts too." Daden De Long explained.

"We sensed him, in short." Daden Yaonu laughed softly.

If it was possible, the Dragon Immortal looked younger, the worry of the past years having been lifted from her shoulders.

"Come, let us take you to them." XiChen stopped at the gatekeepers to tell them that a message needed to be forwarded to the Flowers of Venus, announcing their sister to be awake now.

Then they made their way to the infirmary.

Li XiWang let go of her father's hands as soon as she laid eyes upon them, giggling with delight as soon as Daden Yaonu picked her up, and whirled with delight.

"How lovely to see you again, my child!" She exclaimed, kissing both her rosy cheeks.

Li XiWang hugged her tightly, realising how much she had missed her.

"May I speak with you? Later?" She whispered in her aunt's ear, so no one else heard.

Of course, nothing went unnoticed by her father Wei, and he heard her clearly, but decided not to intervene. If his daughter was concerned about something and felt that only talking to her aunt would fix it, then he was happy for that to happen. Plus he knew the Dadens quite well; Daden Yaonu would offer sound advice for she loved their little rabbit as much as they did.

In all their travels, Wei Ying knew they were fortunate indeed to have met people with a similar mindset, an ability and a wish to make the world a better place. And the fact that they were related was also an additional plus point.

"My darling girl, you can talk to me about anything." Daden Yaonu had whispered back, just as quietly. 

They put her down and then it was Daden De Long who let out a cry of anguish, rushing to his brother. Both were crying, unable to let go of each other, the salt of their tears washing away years of loneliness, years of missing each other, the pain of their separation healing through this much missed touch.

Wei Ying leaned into Lan Zhan's side, hiding his face. Lan Zhan pulled him closer, knowing what he needed right then.

It was an overwhelming feeling, to understand that if they had never ventured into the Nether world, or even before that, in the quest to find Li XiWang's parents, to go and explore the seaside, that had they done nothing at all, this moment would not be happening right in front of them. The responsibility to take on such a quest, let alone complete it, was truly mind-boggling and it was only now, that Wei WuXian, Wei Ying felt he could really rest. So it was relief more than anything else flooding his veins, and weakening his knees.

He borrowed strength from his husband and gave himself a few more minutes, before standing straight again, eyes red-rimmed with the effort of not allowing himself to shed actual tears.

"Mn?" Lan Zhan asked him, concerned.

"I'm alright, Lan Zhan." He whispered, not wishing to intrude upon the happy reunion. "At least, I will"

Lan Zhan kissed his temple, unwilling to let him go.

Daden Yaonu approached Zai Shu Xia, who was watching her with a neutral expression, neither happy to see her nor sad or fearful.

"We have perhaps only seen each other once in the past." Daden Yaonu said, softly. "And I hope you don't think it's too late of us, but we would love to welcome you into our family. I can only apologise for the past, pray you can find it in your heart to forgive us. It was not our intention to cause more pain...not to anyone." She wiped her eyes.

"Then let us start afresh, and embrace like the sisters we are." Zai Shu Xia came forward and hugged her.

The doors opened and Yezi and Zhitiao came running in, the latter more cautiously, having learned most of the rules. Yezi just did not care, pushing past everyone to give Zai Shu Xia a bear hug.

"My dearest sister!" She cried.

Zai Shu Xia held her other arm open so Zhitiao could join the two of them.

"How is our Mother?" Zai Shu Xia asked gently.

There was a pindrop silence.

Zhitiao looked at Yezi before answering.

"After you left with the Dragon King, our Mother...our Mother passed away. The Elders were influenced by Jian Ci and she put it about that Mother died because you left."

"But that's not true at all!" Yezi exclaimed loudly. "Our Shidi pointed out that, while it's true Mother passed away, it could have been because our family changed. So it's only indirectly. She must have felt horrible that Jian Ci was going after you both like that."

Zai Shu Xia was unnaturally pale. She swayed, and Zhitiao caught her.

The healers called out for hot, sweet tea, and they made her lie down again.

The tears she was holding in finally released, silently falling down her face.

"It's not your fault, dearest sister. Really, it's not." Yezi was trying to console her.

A messenger came and whispered a message to XiChen, who nodded. Not less than ten minutes later, Hongse and her sisters arrived.

Greetings were exchanged, and news passed around, everyone trying their best to console Zai Shu Xia, when suddenly Wei Ying remembered something.

"All is not lost!" He said, excitedly.

He pulled out the green lacquered box that Bai Hua had given him and dug around in the magical dust that allowed anything to grow. Triumphantly, he produced a nut, brown and rich looking.

Zai Shu Xia let out a gasp.

"What is that?" Yezi asked, scrutinising it.

"That is the seed of our Mother, the one she entrusted to Zai Shu Xia for safe keeping." Zhitiao said, looking at her sister for confirmation.

"Yes, dear sister. That is our Mother."

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