Chapter 93 Unexpected

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Zhitiao and JingYi were both left in that cavernous room to protect Jian Ci, who was still trying to fold her body up and into the corner like origami paper.

Aside from the odd whimper, she kept rocking her body back and forth.

JingYi kept an eye on her, but his attention was stolen by his girlfriend, who kept pacing towards the door and then walking back, as if she was arguing with herself.

JingYi stopped her midway, holding on to her upper arms.

"Wow, I do believe you have more muscles than me."

Zhitiao laughed.

Just like that, the tension cleared, and the room felt less oppressive. She smiled at him.

"Thank you. I think I needed to laugh." She took a deep breath.

"I'm not kidding." JingYi told her, utterly serious.

He pinched her arms again and then poked his fleshier one.


"Does that bother you?" She asked, also serious too, now.

"What? That my girlfriend is so much stronger than me? Not at all. In fact, look at how relaxing that is! Night hunts where I get hurt are a thing of the past, don't you think so? Plus I'll get free help whenever I go shopping, and it's like having my own bodyguard. Win win situation." He grinned at her, hoping his lightening of her mood would help his case now.

Zhitiao leaned forward and kissed his nose.

JingYi pouted.


"Well, I just praised you, said at least four things from my list, and all I get is a lousy kiss, and not even where I wanted it!"

"My kisses are not lousy!" Zhitiao was having a hard time trying to keep her face straight.

"That one was. Do better."

"What do I get in return for making an effort?"

"Ha!" JingYi crowed. "You admit that it wasn't your best effort!! Ha! See??"

"Alright...what do I get for really blowing your socks off?" She was openly smiling now.

"I'll let you go and find your sister, like you have been wanting to, since you heard she was outside."

Zhitiao was already shaking her head before he finished speaking.

"No. Shidi said for us both to stay here. I'm not going to disregard what he wants us to do."

"Who says we have to listen!?" JingYi urged her. "And how is he going to find out? I'm not going to say anything, neither are you, and she," he thumbed behind them, "can't, even if she wanted to. And you'll be back before they are, so what are you worried about?"

Zhitiao wavered.

JingYi smiled, comforting her.

"I swear, I am enough to keep an eye on her, and that way, my totally hot girlfriend can go and earn some kudos outside."

Zhitiao cast a longing look at the door, and checked what Jian Ci was up to, but the ex-leader was now humming to herself, with both eyes closed.

"Okay." She turned to go.

"Oi! Aren't you forgetting something?" JingYi tapped his lips.


Outside the Palace, chaos reigned.

Tall demons, fat demons, big ones and small ones, were fighting each other with gusto, using anything they could get their hands on. Those without weapons were using heir bare hands and feet, poking eyes and other vulnerable places.

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