Chapter 146 Wands

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Zai Shu Xia produced her claw wand from her sleeve.

Five beings were watching her with avid interest, wondering what she was going to do.

She placed it on the ground and watched as the one in Li XiWang's pouch burst free from its confines and joined the one already on the ground.

"Being a direct descendant of me, and my master's teachings will allow you to summon this wand from wherever you are, as long as you have the one I gave you. Singularly, they are each incredibly powerful, but together, I doubt there is anything even close to them or the level of destruction they are capable of. Watch carefully."

The tails of the wands joined together and began drawing on the energy from their surroundings, the pull so fierce, both Xiao Mao and DaErduo transformed into their demon forms just to hold the other three down.

Thing hated to be touched and kept biting DaErduo, until he made Rumi hold onto it.

Mercifully, Zai Shu Xia stopped the wand as it was beginning to turn.

"Your mind can control what they do, and this brings us back to what I was telling you yesterday. Foundations are the core, how we decide what actions to take. If you are capable, then you are responsible. This is a hard and fast rule. Any questions?" Her voice was firm, if kind.

"Yes, mother." Li XiWang looked upset.

"Go on."

"You said the wands together can cause great destruction...but...but what if I don't want to do that?"

Zai Shu Xia opened her arms to her little girl. Li XiWang went to sit in her lap eagerly, wanting to know more.

"What if the circumstances were different?"

"What do you mean?" Her big, burgundy eyes were round with awe.

"What if, the choice presented to you was life or death? How would you decide?" Zai Shu Xia watched her carefully.

"Whose death? Whose life?" Li XiWang asked.

"Your death, or the death of someone you loved, or someone innocent, someone you should protect. What exactly could you do?"

"I don't think I could kill anything." She admitted.

"When push comes to shove, we can do anything. To think otherwise is a weakness. Maybe it's too soon for you to learn this, but we are running out of time, and I wish to prepare you for any possible future. My words may be harsh, but they have come from a hard truth." Zai Shu Xia forced herself to take a deep breath to try and calm herself.

"It is not the choice to kill or not, rather, think of it as a choice to survive or not. It's as simple as that. Sometimes we do not even have the luxury of time to think, to decide. That's where our training comes in useful."

"But mother-"

"Do not argue with me, YingHua!" Her mother bit out angrily. "You do not know the reality of life and all its challenges. I need you to be safe, I need you to be able to defend yourself, doesn't matter what comes at you."

Li XiWang shifted away from her, afraid.

DaErduo and Xiao Mao were instantly between her and her mother, and Rumi went to stand next to her, taking her small hand in his smaller one. His amber eyes were glaring at Zai Shu Xia.

"Alright, YingHua, that's enough for today. You may go." Zai Shu Xia turned away from them and began walking back.

Li XiWang couldn't believe what had just happened. Why was her mother angry at her? None of her fathers had ever shouted at her, and now she was confused and feeling terrible. But how could she ask them about her mother? Wouldn't that be like telling on her? She didn't want to complain about her parents, not from one set to another, but at the same time, she wanted help in figuring out what was going on, and what she should make of it.

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