Chapter 116 Stand-Off

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Hui Gai appeared, his red eyes gleaming, searching for his friend. The broadest smile graced his face upon seeing him.

Uncle Qiren shifted slightly in his seat, and Wei Ying realized that they had never been formally introduced before, mostly because Uncle was like salt, necessary but only good in small doses. If there was too much exposure, then likely to cause a qi deviation...and high blood pressure  to boot.

And Hui Gai was the total opposite, probably against every single rule ever written down before. Wei Ying had a mix of admiration and respect for him of course, but he questioned that on a daily basis...depending on what he knew/found out about his good friend.

"Uncle, this is our good friend, Hui Gai, now present King of the Nether world. His royal name is DiYu WangZi. Hui Gai, this is our Elder and Uncle, Lan Qiren."

Wei Ying smothered a laugh as both bent with the least amount of effort, hardly a tilt at the waist, whilst keeping a solid eye on each other warily.

Once the formalities were over, Wei Ying got straight down to business.

"Hui Gai, may I ask if you know anything about Jiang Cheng’s condition?"

He didn't miss the guilty look.

Hui Gai looked at Jiang Cheng, his face still streaked with the tears he had shed.

"What's up with Onion boy?" He casually drawled, checking his nails.

"You will show some respect to Sect Leader Jiang." Uncle Qiren retorted, stroking his beard.

"Respect is earned." Hui Gai snapped back in a level voice that betrayed none of the murderous intent brewing in his eyes.

"He should be respected. He built his own sect up from the burned ashes of a war. Successful in his own right." The first sparks of anger were visible in those brown eyes.

"Those, my dear Elder, are merely his accomplishments. What about his character?" Hui Gai began to clean his teeth with a single talon, the noise akin to nails on a blackboard.

"He is a fine, upstanding young man. A proud addition to our clan as well." Uncle continued.

XiChen was giving him heart eyes, probably because Uncle had never voiced his opinion of who the Lan Sect Leader had married, and instead of just putting up with an abrasive personality, had actually looked deeper and found traits to like.

Jiang Cheng was looking at Uncle Qiren as if he had suddenly grown two heads. He shifted his gaze to Wei Ying, who was grinning like a clown, just to make sure he had heard those very same words come out of that mouth.

Wei Ying shrugged and went back to watching the show.

"He's a Sect leader who shouts at little girls, who gives little to no attention to the fact that the girl in question had been held prisoner, had to watch both of her parents suffer at the hands of a mad demon, and then leave them there while she makes it to safety. Can you imagine, just for one second, what she was going through? And her inner turmoil is nowhere finished, because her real parents are alive, and when they wake up, that's yet another shit storm she's going to have to deal with. So excuse me, for being slightly pissed off at Sect Leader Jiang, who's first reaction on seeing her back from a very dangerous place, was to make her cry."

There was silence for a few minutes.

"I just wanted to ask if you could reverse it." Wei Ying ventured.

"I think a more important question here is, do I want to?"

Wei Ying thought it was highly unlikely.

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