Chapter 89 Reunion

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Daden Yaonu caught the eye of her husband and smiled at him. They could see the Palace now, way off into the distance.

A few miles ago, Venator had made his decisions, hesitatingly agreeing to traveling to Turjak, and they were both happy that his fear was gradually ebbing away.

Venator was busy watching the ground. He had found that keeping his mind occupied was great for two things: it kept his fear away, instead giving fuel to his curiosity because the small groups of demons had gathered and were large groups, increasing in size the closer they got to the capital city, and secondly his interest in something else made him forget about his travel sickness, and his sneezing.

Change was happening before his very eyes, by the looks of things. Venator was both stressed and excited by what he was seeing, like a lone child on the periphery of a group of friends, wanting to join in but worried about whether he would be accepted. And he was worried.

No, he told himself firmly, trying to sound stronger than he felt.

He was safe now, he had friends. Friends who could protect him from others, from Yao Wang if need be.

"Can you guys breathe fire?" He leaned down and asked Daden Yaonu, speaking closer to her ears.

He could have sworn those lips broadened and curled into a smile, baring sharp teeth that could look both happy and intimidating, depending on what was reflected in her eyes.

She nodded, that same excited expression remaining on her face.

They were close now, and saw that crowds had, not was an army.

Thousands of demons waited outside a tall red gate, perhaps unable to pass because it was warded.

Venator saw some of them throwing weapons at the invisible barrier, and having those same weapons rebounding and hitting their owners right in the face. That however, did not prevent them from trying again and again.

Definitely worth a face palm, Venator thought.

The dragons flew right over the demons and landed in front of the gate. The demons, not knowing what was going on, were preparing to attack these foreigners, but Venator jumped off Daden Yaonu as soon as he could and turned to face the hoard with his hands raised high up.

"We are on the same side." He began. "We are unarmed."

"Then you're useless here!" Someone else from the crowd called out, and heckling began as others agreed.

"Wait, what I mean is, if you are against Yao Wang, then we can fight him together." Venator's eyes grew bigger as a lone demon walked towards him.

This one was huge, with rippling muscles. He wore a hat and an eye patch, with beads hanging woven into his hair. And next to him, holding his hand was a young lady who had eyes tattooed on top of her eyes.

She was very beautiful too, but frowning at them now.

"There ain't no one here who hasn't been hurt by that wanker." The walking muscle stick said, gesturing to the demons behind him, who waved their weapons in the air, clamouring in loud voices. "What makes you so special?"

"This." Venator bowed with reverence towards both the dragons.

Daden Yaonu and Daden De Long bowed too, an acknowledgement of faith and trust. Then they turned to the great gate and took a deep breath, releasing with a burst of Dragonfire that obliterated whatever protection was keeping them out.

They all watched as the glittering facade, a translucent film evaporated that had covered the Palace and the surrounding gate as it reached them.

The demons hushed with awe, watching with round eyes as their way was cleared in front of their eyes.

"My name is Haitch-En-KaySha." The tall demon held out his hand for Venator to shake.

"Venator. And these wonderful friends are Daden Yaonu and Daden De Long. And this is Dashi, my friend." Venator took his hand and shook it, bowing at the end.

Daden Yaonu came forward, her eyes full of happy excitement.

"Yezi? What are you doing here?" She asked.

Yezi was so happy to see a familiar face, she dropped the hand she was holding and rushed into her arms.

"I've missed you. I didn’t think we would meet any one from our groups."

Daden Yaonu hugged her back, feeling the same delight.

"Didn't you travel with the Flowers of Venus? Where are they?" She raised herself up on tip toes, looking for the tall women dressed in red.

"They're a ways back. And guess what? We found Nie Huaisang! Isn't that crazy?"

"That's amazing! That's at least a quarter of the quest done." Daden De Long said, enthusiastically.

"Well, when you put it like that..." Yezi grinned cheekily.

She returned to Haitch's side, shyly reaching for his hand.

Daden Yaonu watched her with a knowing smile.

Yezi blushed.

"If we survive whatever happens in the coming day, we plan on staying together." Haitch said, the skin around his eye blushing red.

"Then we wish you all the best." Daden De Long put an arm around his wife's waist, and they smiled at each other.

Behind them, the crowd of demons watching all this parted to allow a cart to come through, pushed by the warrior ladies. They came to stand next to Yezi.

The Dadens bowed and came forward.

"How is he?" They asked, looking at the sleeping form of the sect leader.

"He's still weak, though able to eat solid food now. He ate half a potato yesterday." Chihong replied after bowing to them.

"We're trying to restore his fluid intake first." Xinghong added, also bowing.

"Oh, isn’t he pretty?" Another voice said close to them.

Dashi had woken up and come to see what was going on. He clutched the side of the cart, looking at Nie Huaisang.

He clapped his hands happily and turned around in a circle, singing to himself.


Both Chihong and Xinghong went to him and kneeled immediately.



Sorry for the short one, dear readers. Lots going on today.

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