Chapter 110 Awkward

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Li Xiwang tried her best, really she did.

Both of her biological parents were lying side by side, stuck in a coma.

At least they were resting.

Tiaopi De Long had suffered too many external injuries and his body could not cope with being conscious as well as trying to heal. And because he was unconscious, Zai Shu Xia was also in a coma.

So Li XiWang dutifully came everyday to visit them, consulting with Healer Fei and knowing there was nothing more she could do for them, not until they woke up.

But this time was precious for her. It was a chance to face all those feelings she had shoved to the back of her mind, unwilling to face them.

These were her parents.

And she couldn't remember them.

Maybe a part of her would always feel guilty about that, but the common sense part of her brain told her that it wasn't her fault. She was only two years old when they had to part ways, and there was already a part of herself that was sealed away. Her alter ego, Baise De Hua, a medical prodigy, Healer of the Heavens, a title given to her after she had cured the Jade Emperor.

Was it bad that she didn't or couldn't feel anything for them, beyond the natural empathy that came with helping patients? How would they feel when she told them anything along those lines? And now they had been found, would she be forced to go with them? Would they insist? And did she get any say in the matter at all?

Hui Gai suddenly appeared next to her.

A medic accidentally dropped a tray of something, the noise shattering the relative peace.

But both Li XiWang and Hui Gai ignored them, too busy hugging.

"How are you, little rabbit?"

The familiarness of the term, plus the fact that she had been practically alone all this time, had her bursting into tears.

That someone finally came to ask her how she was, someone who was hers.

"I hope no one is to blame for these tears?" He asked her with a smile. She didn't need to know how seriously he meant it.

"I just missed you." She sobbed.

"Aww, my little rabbit, all you had to do was think of me." He held her tighter. "I would have come no matter what."

"I know...but you and my were busy over there..." She sniffed, calmer now.

"Doesn't matter." He said, firmly. "Family is more important."

"How are my fathers? Did you get rid of Yao Wang?"

"They are very well. Actually, that's why they sent me, although I was going to come anyway." He grinned at her. "And yes, that guy's history."

"You were going to come anyway? What for?" Her big burgundy eyes looked at him with interest.

"I'd like you to meet my mother. And my father. If you want to...that is. No force." His hand covered the tail in hers, both of them needing the comfort.

Li Xiwang thought this was the first time she had ever seen him look uncomfortable, barring the times when he was in the same room as her Father Zhan.

"Course I will, silly." She leaned up and kissed his cheek. "She's kind of my grandmother too. Did you think I'd say no?"

"Wasn't sure." He smirked. "We both have mummy and daddy issues. I didn't know if you wanted mine too."

"Everyone else's parents are easier to deal with than mine." She smiled but it was tinged with sadness.

He jerked his head towards the bed where the two patients were laid.

She nodded.

"We can deal with them later." He told her confidently, standing up.

"What? So we're just going? Like now?" She looked at him incredulously.

"Well it's not like they're going anywhere, is it? Relax, they'll still be here when you get back." He resisted the urge to roll his eyes, reminding himself of another person he didn't really like.

She still looked uncertain.

"Okay, okay, you're twisting my arm...I'll help you wake them up, when we get back, alright?" He held up his palm.

"Deal." She high fived him.

Hui Gai lifted her into his arms and disappeared.


Wei Ying was staring into the fire, watching the orange flames dancing wildly.

Lan Zhan was watching him silently.

He knew something was on Wei Ying's mind, and hoped that he would tell him sooner rather than later.

Among the hustle and bustle of the courtyard, they were relatively alone, so he picked him up and sat him in his lap, feeling better at once.

"What's wrong?"

The deepness of his voice never failed to make Wei Ying shiver. He blinked awake, brought back from his thoughts.

"Nothing...exactly." He whispered.

Lan Zhan raised a brow.

Wei Ying wrapped his arms around him, melting into his body.

"I'm not sure...what it is." He finally admitted. "I missed this." He sighed against the warm neck. "I think I miss Cloud Recesses. And XiChen-ge, my brother...I guess I'm just homesick. That's all."

Lan Zhan kissed his temple.

"It is important, if Wei Ying feels it. We can go home."

"I want to...but there's so much to do here. Hui Gai has great plans for spending all that money in the vault. I'm guessing he's going to ask permission from his dad. We should help him, shouldn't we?" He sighed again.

Lan Zhan didn't like it when Wei Ying felt this way. His Wei Ying was tired.

"He has plenty of help."

They both turned to see little demons trying to lift a cauldron of water that was clearly too big, and they ended up spilling it over themselves instead.

Wei Ying stifled a laugh, as other demons rushed over to help the one caught underneath the fallen cauldron.

"I don't know if you can call it that." He murmured.


"Help." Wei Ying clarified.

They continued watching the helpers trying to lift the heavy vessel, and somehow it turned into a fight. Other demons joined in, and Wei Ying settled back to watch the show, his back against a content Lan.

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