Chapter 5 Stipulations

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The next morning, Lan Zhan grabbed Wei Ying's hand and walked briskly to Uncle Qiren's quarters.

The moment he realised where they were going, Wei Ying started to protest, dragging his feet.

"Are you sure you want to see him? Right now? What if we don't?" He whined.

Lan Zhan stopped abruptly, right in the middle of the path.

"I must settle something." His voice did not allow for any objections.

"Do I have to come with you?"

"Yes. Together." Lan Zhan waited until Wei Ying gave him a tentative smile. "No hiding anything." He added, meaningfully.

"Okay. Yes, you're right. Come on, then. Let's get this over with." He went to walk forward but was pulled into strong arms gathering him close.

"Wei Ying is loved. Wei Ying is precious." He smiled. "Wei Ying is mine."

Wei Ying hated his lack of control right then, because shudders racked his body as Lan Zhan licked his ear.

"Five, three." He looked too happy.

Wei Ying stomped his foot.

"That does not count!"

"Does count." Lan Zhan replied, proudly.

He took his hand and they continued walking, with Wei Ying muttering under his breath and Lan Zhan smiling enigmatically.

XiChen met them outside Uncle's room.

They bowed in greeting. Lan Zhan went on to rap on the door.

XiChen raised a brow at Wei Ying, seeing as Lan Zhan was totally not going to explain, and Wei Ying helplessly shrugged, not wishing to.

Uncle Qiren opened the door, his eyes widening when he saw everyone, and then a look of resignation passed over his face.

"Come in."

XiChen went to pour tea, but Lan Zhan stopped him.

"We're not staying. Don't bother."

XiChen looked at him in surprise. Lan Zhan was never this rude. In the past, if he disagreed with anything, he would choose to remain silent if anything...but this...Lan Zhan was angry.


Wei Ying covered his eyes, shutting them tightly.

"You made him cry." Lan Zhan said, coldly. "From now on, you are not to talk to him alone. Do you understand?"

When Uncle remained quiet, Lan Zhan scowled.

"If you do, I will leave. We will leave, and we're not coming back."

"Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying went to stand in front of him.

Lan Zhan was vibrating with barely concealed fury.

Wei Ying cupped his face, waiting until golden eyes landed on his, softening immediately.

"Don't do this. You will regret it one day...and...and I don't think I could stand it if I came in between you and your family." He whispered, eyes watering at the thought.

"You are my family." Lan Zhan replied, eyes hardening. He pulled him closer, staring at Uncle over his head. "Am I clear?" His tone was determined.

"I understand. It will not happen again." Uncle bowed. "I am sorry if I crossed any lines yesterday."

"Accepted." Lan Zhan turned to his brother. "Sect Leader, you are the witness. Do you agree?"

XiChen stared at his brother, nodding. He realised that Lan Zhan had been pushed to his limit, and needed more reassurance. And he was not going to lose his brother like this.

"Yes. As Sect Leader, I will add to our records."

Lan Zhan bowed and left, dragging Wei Ying with him.

"Wait, Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying tore his hand away from a now surprised Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying pressed the heels of his palms against his eyes, trying to stop the flow.

"You can't leave things like this."

"Why not?" Lan Zhan found that now he had gotten that off his chest, his mood was quite sunny.

"Because...because he's your family!" In contrast, Wei Ying felt terrible.

"You are my family." Lan Zhan repeated, holding him close. "I should be able to protect Wei Ying. Always."

"But Lan Zhan, you don't have to, not against them. Arrgh!" He brushed away the tears uselessly, frustrated.

"I do. As I am your husband. I would like to think Wei Ying would also defend me, should the need arise." He bent down and kissed the precious eyes now red and swollen. "It is quite simple," he continued. "If anyone touches you here," he placed a finger at Wei Ying's temple, "or here," he moved it to where Wei Ying's heart lay beating erratically, "it is my responsibility to make sure it doesn't happen again."

"I love you so much." Wei Ying replied, fiercely.

They kissed, furious and wild, sealing their promises.

A polite cough, twice, had them separating. Wei Ying blushed as he was shoved behind the Jade, while Lan Zhan glared daggers at the interruption.

The disciple bowed, gulping.

"Visitors." He squeaked and fled.

"You know, protective husband mode is hot." Wei Ying giggled at the smouldering look he received.

They walked hand in hand to the gates of Cloud Recesses, where Hongse was waiting with Zhitiao and Yezi. The twins were looking excitedly past the ivory pillars, but Zhitiao was cautious, remembering the last time she was here.

"Welcome." Lan Zhan told them, after they all bowed to each other.

Wei Ying waved excitedly at everyone, lightening the mood.

"May we meet with Clan Leader Lan XiChen please?" Hongse requested.

"Follow us to the Great Hall." Lan Zhan led them away.

Wei Ying stayed back to talk the sisters.

"How was your journey?" He asked politely.

"Uneventful." Zhitiao replied with a smile.

"Boring." Yezi said, grinning at him. "Where is the Sect leader?"

"Putting out fires." Wei Ying grinned back. "Ready to follow all those?" He pointed at the wall theg were passing.

Zhitiao gulped; Yezi blanched.

"It's not so bad," Wei Ying sniggered, happy to find like minded people.

And they were going to stay.

It was going to be a breath of fresh air.

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