Chapter 22 Presents

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After the ceremonial bows and much tea drinking, the official banquet started. Jin Ling couldn't stop staring at his husband, the word made him feel giddy with happiness. They fed each other when they thought no one was looking, but of course, nothing got past either Wei Ying or Jiang Cheng.

Every time it happened, the brothers nudged each other, amused.

Wei Ying spent his time feeding Lan Zhan and looking around at the guests, happy to see that Uncle Qiren made an appearance, however briefly. He still looked paler than normal, but at least the bags under his eyes were starting to clear, and if he wasn't exactly happy, he wasn't filled with doom and gloom either.

JingYi sat with Zhitiao, together but not quite. Wei Ying knew his children better than anyone else, and decided to gently coerce the couple a little bit...

He got up and found his hand held tightly, a silent request not to leave.

"Why don't you come with me, my love? We should socialize..." Wei Ying grinned at his expression, something perhaps no one else could decipher, but the mild panic in the widening golden eyes, made him take pity on the naturally reticent Jade.

"Okay, let's do this, you give me five minutes with JingYi and five minutes with the newly weds, and I'll be right back?" He smiled, taking another sip of his favourite drink.

"And what if you're late?" The words were spoken with the utmost of seriousness.

Wei Ying shivered involuntarily, the deep voice reaching parts of him that nobody else could.

"Then, come get me." Wei Ying ran away, giggling.

Lan Zhan watched him, a smile playing on his lips.

"He seems alright." XiChen commented.

"Mn?" Lan Zhan turned to look at his older brother.

"I've been worried about him, what he was saying. About the Nether world. Does he still want to go?"

Jiang Cheng held Xichen’s hand under the table.

"Once he gets an idea into his head, he'll do it, make no mistake. All we can do, is help him through it." Jiang Cheng downed his cup and poured more.

"He won't miss the wedding at JinLinTai, so we have some time yet." XiChen patted Lan Zhan's back.

Lan Zhan turned back to watch his husband. The truth was, this worry voiced by his brother, was dwelling in the furthest corners of his own mind, a fear made real by saying it out loud. The only way he could cope with this new threat, was to ignore it for now, and wait and see...

Wei Ying bounced up to his JingYi, beaming. He had swiped a jar of Emperor’s Smile and generously poured it into both cups.

Zhitiao grinned at him, downing it in one go. JingYi glared at her cup before taking the smallest sip.

"Oh, you Lans!" Wei Ying chuckled. "The only way to build up your tolerance is practice."

"Agreed." Zhitiao slammed her cup down and stared meaningfully at Wei Ying, until he refilled it.

"Watch and learn," she told an anxious JingYi.

She finished the jar by herself, and it was Wei Ying who got them another one, eying her thoughtfully.

"You know, we ought to have a drinking contest...we can see whether you'll beat Jiang Cheng or not..."

"Don't encourage her!" JingYi whispered, annoyed.

"I bet I'll win, no sweat. And while we're talking of contests, why don't we fight on the training ground? Tomorrow?"

"What? You against me?" JingYi took another tiny sip, and giggled.

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