Chapter 131 Partnership

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Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying first, and then at the book.

"Should we destroy it?" He asked carefully.

"That's a possible option. The big question is, will we ever need it again?" Wei Ying tapped his nose, thinking. "The thing is, once it's gone, it's gone. Are we brave enough to face whatever may come, without outside help? Actually, it's not even if we're brave enough, it's: will we be able to tackle anything that comes our way without prior knowledge?"

"Nobody else knows about this book, right? Only Wei Ying and I." Lan Zhan asked.

"That's right. I didn’t know what to do with it, and it keeps updating by itself. I'm not sure whether anything it's going to predict will be an aid or a hindrance, though." Wei Ying sighed deeply, and snuggled closer.

"I love sitting here with you, like this." He whispered, his lips resting against a pulse in Lan Zhan's cool neck that was currently going haywire.

"Mn. Feels good."

There was something in his tone that had Wei Ying lean back to stare at him.

"What is it, my love?"

"I wish to say something." Lan Zhan replied, looking ever so serious.

Wei Ying kissed his sweet lips quickly, just to reassure him.

"I'm all yours."

Lan Zhan smirked. "Besides that."

Wei Ying smacked his shoulder lightly, grinning.

"Spit it out. What is it?"

Lan Zhan closed his eyes.

Alright, so it was something heavy, something that was weighing on his mind.

Wei Ying braced his weight by holding onto his shoulders and reached up to kiss his eyelids.

"You know, you can tell me anything. Whatever you're feeling, whatever you need, whatever you want."

"I wish to...appreciate Wei Ying." Golden eyes opened to watch his face, full of gratitude and love.

"You know, that's absolutely not necessary. Because then, you'll make me think about how great you are, because you are, Lan Zhan, you are. We can just go to sleep and not think about this." But he was smiling.

Lan Zhan loved that smile. It was so beautiful, full of innocent trust, a joy that could only come from within. And the times Lan Zhan had not been able to see it, those were seared into his memory.

"Don't be sad, my love." Wei Ying kissed his cheek affectionately. "I know that look. And you don't have to think about any of that. I am here now, I'm always going to be here. This," he pointed to Lan Zhan’s lap, "is my spot. Now just say what is in your mind."

"Wei Ying is a good parent. The best." He replied.

Wei Ying waited....and waited...and waited.

Apparently, he had finished.

"Okay...that's great..." He said slowly, still kind of waiting. "So are you, you know."

But now Lan Zhan looked pained.

" is the way you talk with them."

"The way I talk with them? What way do I talk with them?" His brow furrowed in thought, wondering what exactly Lan Zhan meant.

"Mn. Wei Ying knows exactly what to say. To them." He sighed...a sad sound.

"Lan love, whatever I say to them-"

"Comes from here." Lan Zhan interrupted him, placing his big palm on Wei Ying’s chest.

Of course, Wei Ying shivered. He told himself to calm down and listen patiently. His hand covered the warm palm.

"I....cannot. Find the words." Lan Zhan looked heartbroken.

"My love!" Wei Ying threw his arms around his neck. "You don't need to, not really. Our children know how much you love you them. You don't have to talk."

Lan Zhan made a disbelieving noise.

"What? It's true. You should ask them tomorrow, but trust me, they know what you're like, and they don't need anything more from you. They love you exactly the way you are. Shall I tell you why?" Wei Ying kissed his ear.

"Mn. Say."

"It's in the little things you do for them. Like tonight, when little rabbit asked you to sing, you did it without question. You've protected all our children at some stage, and they've seen you do it. They watch you look after me, how much you put all your care into loving all of us, and trust me, they know how much you love us." Wei Ying let his tongue out to trace the outer shell of his reddening ear.

Lan Zhan shivered, anticipation gathering in his belly.

Wei Ying tasted his warming skin, relishing the fragrance of sandalwood, and the clean smell of just Lan Zhan, but when his lips took in the lobe of his ear, and he sucked, Lan Zhan lost all control.

A giggling Wei Ying was flung onto the bed, with silencing talismans activated.

Laughter was forgotten in throes of passion.


Meanwhile, in the Hanshi, Jiang Cheng was chatting with baby Li Li.

XiChen watched avidly as the Purple Grape tried to feed the baby, making similar facial expressions, copying her baby noises, and XiChen thought it was incredibly sweet and entertaining.

"I think she's had enough." Jiang Cheng brought his spoon to XiChen’s mouth, which promptly opened for him.

Together, they finished the food, trying to offer the baby occasionally, and sometimes she would eat, but mostly, it was a no.

Li Li was a great kid, chortling and happy in every sense of the word. She liked to sleep in the big bed in between both her fathers, and for now, her cradle remained empty.

XiChen took her into his lap while Jiang Cheng cleaned up behind them, and then he finally got a chance to sit down opposite them.

Li Li was so excited, she pushed her way up, standing on uncertain feet, but then miraculously, she tottered towards a stunned Jiang Cheng.

XiChen had tears in his eyes.

"Our daughter's first steps." Jiang Cheng declared, scooting closer. He grabbed her as she came closer, holding her tight. "Li Li, thank you for coming into our lives. We love you very much." He whispered, lips still kissing fat cheeks.

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